“The GeekVape "new" Supermesh X1/X2 Coils.
Geekvape have changed the design for the supermesh X1/X2 coils to something far inferior. The previous coils, which have been a huge hit among consumers, due to the low wattage needed to run these coils (30-90w). The new design now ship with a mesh that can't even really be called "supermesh" and run at a much higher 50-70 watts, thus increasing the demand on the battery. This has lead to many returned products and complaints among re-sellers and small business owners.
This change is not only bad for the environment by creating more waste, but could potentially be dangerous to health as the materials that are now used in construction are much cheaper and of a much lesser quality.
The previous coils would last anywhere between 3 - 12 weeks depending on the wattage, thus reducing the amount of time spent charging batteries, as well as impact on the environment from energy consumption. The "new design" has been found to expire within 48 hours in some cases.
This is not something new from coil manufacturers, but something that needs more attention drawn to it. In this day and age, when pollution and excess manufacturing of goods is at the top of the agenda, GeekVape could have been hailed as a industry leader of vaporizer-coil manufacturing. Instead, they choose to profit from an increased carbon footprint with a lesser quality product.
There are many other companies that offer replacement coils for the tank these are intended for and consumers should re-think purchasing from GeekVape and find a better, more environment friendly brand.”