Neil H
We found Ashwood Nurseries website after deciding we'd like to plant dwarf conifers in a new border in the front garden of our home. We had no idea of how many we needed, or what we should buy but found Ashwood Nurseries after an internet search. They looked experts for dwarf conifers so made an enquiry. We're so glad that we did. They asked for my number so Robert could call me back to discuss our needs. I was really busy but Robert persisted in calling me a number of times over a couple of days leaving messages each time. I was appreciative of his persistence. I got time to call him back the next day and it was great to speak with him. He gave us advice on our soil, type of mulch, whether to use any weed suppression matting etc. He said he'd prepare a list of 20 dwarf conifers (a selection of as many different types as he could) so we could take a look before placing an order. Sure enough, an email arrived, we looked at what he'd suggested and placed an order for the 20. They arrived within a day of our order and were excellently packed. Unfortunately one was missing from the delivery but the girls in the mail order department arranged for the missing one to be dispatched immediately without question. We are delighted with the attention and dwarf conifers that we received from Ashwood Nurseries. Robert and the girls in the mail order department are a credit to the business. We would whole heartedly recommend them to anyone. Many thanks Robert, girls, and Ashwood Nurseries!
1 year ago
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