At a time where the world is unsure of itself and the cost of living is increasing everyday people are extremely anxious of their spending habits, To then come across a company of so little integrity with their sole purpose to hide behind their terms and conditions when their real purpose is to hide the information from the customer(paid €23 which I was led to believe was the cost all in but were looking for an additional €88 as a "final payment") Yes the information is there but is done so that unless you really go through the website you won't see it. I have never in my time buying online seen such a conniving and underhanded company and for it to be on the top of Google searches has only lessened my faith in that search engine. A bit of extra searching has found that this is a common problem and the horrendous reviews you have all over the internet is testament to that, To work for this company is on par to been a shoplifter/pickpocket and other such scumbag professions who's sole purpose is to steal/scam from the innocent. I will take the hit for the payment but make sure that this will go to every review site I can find and if it stops just one person from buying from your "company" it will be worth it
2 years ago
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