Had Stripe as my processor for a very brief time for a side project. Stripes application from the beginning seemed more invasive than any other merchant account I’ve had over the decades. From merchant accounts with banks to payment processors such as Square and PayPal. Yet, they were the only processor for the platform I was working with, so gave them a try. About two months into the project, Stripe got heavy handed, demanding more financial/private info from me and to literally scan my head. No processor nor bank has ever requested that, and it was unreasonable and outside the scope of a legitimate business dealing to have that requested. Thankfully, as this was just a side gig I hadn’t invested too much time into yet, and all my customers were also with my other company, so I could dump the project and Stripes games with no more loss than the small amount of time invested. I believe if I had played Stripes games then, it would have been one continual issue with them after the other in being paid. Once the cream goes sour, it never goes sweet again. If a company doesn’t have money to pay out what they are collecting on behalf of clients, they try to hold onto that money as long as they can and collect interest on it or some other shenanigans. Stripe is likely not as well funded or as financially stable as they try to appear.
9 months ago
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