osama khan
With a heavy heart, I have to change my review and complain about stripe. Even though they have good rates for Visa, doing a refund is like highway robbery. I was troubleshooting a new stripe checkout problem and did a test transaction. I then did a immediate reversal/refund and was charged a fee for the refund. I asked for a one-time refund since I was unware of the charge. It was a small amount under a dollar. They refused saying that it costs them money. I could understand if I had done many refunds, but this was my first time. They value money more than people. It will cost them more in loss of customers and repuatation. There are many alternatives out there like Square or cash app. I am sorry to say they have lost me as a client. They have unfairly earned a dollar today, but have lost thousands tomorrow. I will be warning my colleagues about Stripe.
3 years ago
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