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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I want to share with the world my sad experience with a fake cryptocurrency scammer after falling for his gimmicks. I was cat fished by a man on POF, he then introduced me to this fake crypto miner. Honestly, everything the scammer showed me looks legit worth giving it a shot as it's a short-term investment with lots of profits. My investment later turned sour and It was the saddest moment of my life because I couldn’t believe what had happened. How I just lost $638,000.00 within a period of 3 months to this scammer. I reported to the authorities and there weren't helping in anyways to help me recover my lost fund. I had lost at a point and was falling into depression until I came across an article online about ethical hacker and their expertise in recovering BTC. I searched for one and that's when I discovered a professional recovery hacker who could help me recover my funds, to my surprise they {RECOVERYCOINGROUP AT GMAIL DOT COM} were able to trace and recouped every penny I thought I had lost. I am sharing this to the world because they saved my life and my career and I strongly recommend.
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Posted 5 months ago
It feels good when you know you have won. My story is a long one but I am just so elated that I was able to meet and work with BACKENDRECOVERatRESCUETEAMdotCOM. What an amazing job he did in helping me recover my lost $97,000 dollars in USDT.
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Posted 5 months ago
I would especially want to thank Recovery Expert, a specialized expert in tracing lost Bitcoin wallets and cryptocurrency recovery. My spouse and I were unlucky enough to become victims of an internet con artist posing as experts and professionals in the realm of investments. It came out that we had been duped after investing a total of $189,000. When we inquired about the withdrawal of the cash, the con artist gave us a number of justifications and insisted that we invest more money. The profits had increased dramatically by the time it was time for us to retire our withdrawals. We found Recovery Expert, who was able to retrieve our lost monies, during our search for information on how to recover lost funds. Speak with the Expert by Mail: recoveryexpert at rescueteam dot com
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
Finally, I can now heave a sigh of relief all thanks to [Hackingprofessional3AtgmailDotcom]. After losing my money to an online investment I did, it felt like all was over for me. Little did I know that my guardian angels would send him my way. Thank you, HackProf and your wonderful team, for the work you guys put in to recover my lost $25,000 in Bitcoin. I am forever grateful.
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Posted 5 months ago
According to the FHA you must have a credit score of 650 above before you can get apartment from them, though my score was at the rate of 450 and I needed to get an apartment but my score was low with a lot collection in items, Tax liens, Repos, Late payment, loans, all this hinder me from getting an apartment from FHA. I have searched and searched for a credit repair agent but to no avail, I got referred to XAP Credit Solution from an old friend so I emailed XAPCREDITSOLUTION AT GMAIL DOT COM. After discussion, all the collections, loans, tax liens, repos and late payment were removed. Late payments were marked as paid on time, he also paid off my credit card debts. It was amazing. I don't know how he did this in less than a week but I think he is the best when it comes to credit repairs and other hacking issues. You can as well contact him if you need his services. Happy New Year!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
I lost a significant amount of money as a result of falling for a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange scam. I decided to invest in cryptocurrencies after they persuaded me that doing so would provide respectable returns. But after a few weeks, I discovered it was a hoax, and my cash had been taken by the con artists. I confessed in a colleague, feeling hopeless and lost, and she suggested a professional team of hackers who specialize in money recovery. They recovered my investment once I contacted them at {RECOVERYEXPERT AT RESCUETEAM DOT COM}. They impressed me with their professionalism and competence, and I heartily recommend them to anyone who needs help getting money back from online scammers. Please get in touch if you or someone you know has been the victim of similar frauds. Kindly get in touch with Recovery Expert at "RECOVERYEXPERT AT RESCUETEAM DOT COM." By sharing my story, I hope to increase awareness and save others from being victims of these dishonest schemes. Regards,
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Posted 5 months ago
With every day that passes, bit coin and other cryptocurrency scams proliferate. Dealing with people online should be done with caution, particularly if money is involved. It's quite simple to get your stolen Bit Coins back, but you need exercise caution to avoid falling for one of the many phony recovery companies that operate these days. Online, the most reputable recovery company is (RECOVERYEXPERT at RESCUETEAM dot COM). They are now the greatest recovery company available. When it comes to recovering your money, they work quickly and effectively. All it takes to get 100% of your lost money back is sending an email to (RECOVERYEXPERT at RESCUETEAM dot COM)
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
Many thanks to Sophie for recommending Backendrecovery to me, I got to recoup my stolen 3.5 ETH just now from a con artist who ripped me off via Coinbase. ( B A C K E N D R E C O V E R (at) RESCUETEAM (dot) C O M ) is the real deal legitimate funds (crypto and other digital assets) recovery agent
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
In November this year, my wife made an investment in Bitcoin of about $72,000. We were expecting massive ROI based on what she was promised. Little did we know that all was a scam. A few weeks later, the website crashed. My wife became depressed and suicidal. I had to go do research online last month on the possibility of recovering the money, I contacted HACKINGPROFESSIONAL3at G m a I L dot C O M, I was surprised at the amazing job he did in helping us recover our money back to my wife's Coinbase wallet.
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Posted 5 months ago
I was tricked into signing up on their phony website even though I knew better. The money they took from me will never be given back. In response to your request to see any company documents or policies, they have nothing to provide. If you have previously been duped by this or any other fraud, please get in touch with "Conceptstrd/com". For your claim to be processed and paid, you will need to get in touch with the "Conceptstrd/com" recovery company. Their experts will help you receive your entire earnings and money back within a few days.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
I lost $140,000 in BIT coin when my cryptocurrency investment fell into the wrong hands, and I was taken advantage of during that time. After learning that it was neither traceable nor recoverable, I was on the verge of giving up until I came across an article on Quora about a RECOVERYEXPERT at RESCUETEAM dot COM. To my amazement, after working with him, he was able to retrieve $132,580 of the money I had lost. I am so appreciative that I was able to get my lost bitcoin back. When you reach him at (recoveryexpert AT rescueteam DOT com), he is always available to help.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
Thank you Martha for introducing me to this Backend recovery guy. It's been an awesome experience.  I couldn't believe my eyes when my lost USDT was returned back to my Trustwallet account, he even added some extra profit to it. Hit him up if you've lost your cryptocurrency to online fraudsters. BACKENDRECOVER at RESCUETEAM dot C O M
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
When I lost my Bitcoin worth $65,000 to scammers, one of the many contacts I found turned out to be the perfect person for the job, though it took me months to recover mentally after being duped, it never occurred to me that the lost bitcoin could ever be retrieved but I guess my instincts were wrong at the time, after reaching [recoveryexpert at rescueteam dot com] and giving every detail regarding the transaction with the scammer. He made a promise to recover all lost bitcoins in 72 hours, which he kept after recovering $50,000 out of $65k, which to me is a major win and well worth the effort and resources.The brilliance behind my success story is (RECOVERYEXPERT AT RESCUETEAM dot COM).
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
My wife and I lost $120,000 to the Pig Slaughter scam. This really hit us hard to a point i had suicidal thoughts. Fortunately for us,an old family friend who previously worked with me referred us to this recovery expert.They checked on our case and assured us our funds were recoverable.Their services and responses were professional and satisfying. They were able to recover all our lost funds and we really appreciated them and are forever grateful to their service. In case you need their services, Email them through (backendrecoverATrescueteamDOTcom).
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
Losing One's crypto currency to fake exchange or trading platform is such a devastating experience. My sister who lives in India fell victim of an Investment scam, lost all her funds to the scammers, but weeks later, called me to tell me she got her funds back with the help of a tech guy, who she read about online as one of the best experts of bitcoin recovery. I requested the contact of this genius so as to tell other victims about him and they could get their funds back too. There it is: HACKINGPROFESSIONAL3 (at) g m a i l C(O)M
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
This is to inform the General public that, It has been confirmed by us that ( BACKENDRECOVER at RESCUETEAM dot C o M )is a certified and 100% Efficient Lost Fund Recovery Expert. EliteFx is giving them all the credit for their commendable effort in the Recovery and Successful return of our 2022 stolen BTC. We happily Recommend their Services. To the General public, it is safe to do business with them. And please Note; They do not receive any Upfront Payment.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
I assumed I had lost my savings of over 25 years after being convinced to invest in crypto currency and it turned out to be a scheme, i searched the web tirelessly, spoke to a few professionals and they all said my savings were gone… I stumbled on a post on Reddit talking about lost crypto recovery, I reached out to the infiltrator and I must tell you this has been the best decision I have taken in a very long while. HackProf helped trail my coins, retrieved and refunded them, it seemed so surreal. I am definitely not investing in crypto currencies anymore or at least until I do thorough background checks… If you sense you've been ripped off, i suggest you act promptly, you can reach him on HACKINGPROFESSIONAL3 (@) G M AIL(DOT)COM . You will be glad you did. This team rendered the best SuperStandard recovery service. Get in touch now!! A word is enough for the wise... Get connected today!!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
Take advantage of the current rise of Bitcoin and recover your lost Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. I took that step recently by contacting (backendrecover AT rescueteam DOT c o m). He did an awesome job for me by helping me recover all my lost $230,000 worth of Bitcoin, which I thought I had lost forever because people made me believe lost cryptocurrencies can never be recovered. That is a big fat lie. All you need is assistance from the right tech professional, and you will be happy again.
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Posted 6 months ago
Cybergenie (@) Cyberservices (.) Com (+1-2-5-2 -5-1-2-0-3-9-1 - Whatsapp) I am putting this out here so others don't make the same mistake I made and if they have, there is still a chance for redemption. I entered a cryptocurrency scheme I knew nothing about because I was intrigued by the huge ROI numbers mentioned and how it has changed many lives, PS, I read those reviews from the scammer's website. This con artist I bumped into made me believe cryptocurrency trading and mining are so easy. All I had to do was register his crypto mining website, and make a deposit into my account while they sorted out the rest for me. After a few deposits, I was running into hundreds of thousands of profits, which motivated me to invest more, the more I invested, the more woes for me to access my invested funds. I had it enough and threatened to quit, and I was locked out of the account and discovered they were crypto scammers. Not many who had lost money to various scams were able to recover their stolen money back, but mother nature was fair to me as she directed my path with Cyber Genie Hack Pro. This team of professionals ensured I got back all I had invested in that platform along with the profits. I got help reclaiming my lost money back with the help of CYBER GENIE HACK PRO.
24options.com 5 star review on 12th December 2023
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Posted 6 months ago
I was depressed for months after losing a lot of money trading cryptocurrency online on elitefx. I am happy today because I was able to recover my loss from those who stole from me through the help of (BACKENDRECOVER at RESCUETEAM dot C o M). He was so easy to work with and did his job in less than two weeks without too much excuses and stories.
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Posted 6 months ago
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