Fantastic Academy Bewertungen

4.5 Rating 2 Bewertungen
100 %
der Kunden empfehlen Fantastic Academy
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07480 048 820



98 Tooley St, ,

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I've got a great experience with these guys. First, I meant to take the basic pack for oven cleaners, but then I realised that for those rates it's better to pick the premium one. Well, the information that I receive is really helpful. And I'm about to start my own oven cleaning business. Maybe the best thing is that the training is available on the platform after finishing it. Now if I have some doubts about something I can easily turn back and watch again that part. So, I recommend Fantastic Academy to anyone interested in that industry. You won't regret it!
Hilfreich Melden
If you are looking to start up a business this is really an amazing opportunity for you. There are so many features and advantages and the guide is the most convenient. Utilize amazing carpet cleaning courses, cleaning trainings and many more solutions for your proper business start up. Strongly reccomend!
Hilfreich Melden
I've got a great experience with these guys. First, I meant to take the basic pack for oven cleaners, but then I realised that for those rates it's better to pick the premium one. Well, the information that I receive is really helpful. And I'm about to start my own oven cleaning business. Maybe the best thing is that the training is available on the platform after finishing it. Now if I have some doubts about something I can easily turn back and watch again that part. So, I recommend Fantastic Academy to anyone interested in that industry. You won't regret it!
Hilfreich Melden
Fantastic Academy hat eine Bewertung von 4.5 Basierend auf 2 Bewertungen