Loaf Reviews

1.4 Rating 120 Reviews
Happiness Grade

Delivery - Fast

Industry Average
The ordering and delivery service was perfect,hence the 3 stars.
posted 2 years ago - Anonymous
I have just had the worst customer experience at Loaf. Their website tells you the products that you can order for Christmas delivery. Have wasted so much time ordering swatches, getting the family excited about their forthcoming present and now about to place the order and they Xmas products aren’t ready until mid February next year. What a shambolic company
posted 2 years ago - Anonymous
We received our Bagsie sofa this week. The delivery men could not have been more helpful and caring. Kept us informed all the way on the delivery time. Lovely sofa but too early to comment on it. I have noticed that the cushions need puffing up each morning which I was hoping I would not have to do.
posted 3 years ago - Liz