otcapital.com Reviews

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I am incredibly grateful to Darkrecoveryhacks for recovering my lost crypto funds of twenty-nine thousand dollars. After a failed investment platform left me devastated, I thought my money was gone forever. But Darkrecoveryhacks came to the rescue! Their expertise and professionalism were evident throughout the process. I highly recommend their services to anyone in need of crypto recovery. Contact them at DARKREVOVERYHACKS @ G MAIL . COM or Telegram @ DARKRECOVERYHACKS and regain hope in your financial future.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
My story is quite simple. I had an issue with an investment deal online and lost my savings in the process .. I tried my best to keep up with the interminable request for more deposits but at some point I gave up . Finally it came to a point when I needed to sort out a very serious family situation and in order to do this I obviously needed money which I didn’t have sure enough my problem knocks on my door and I had to face it , I had to find out what to do and get this resolved at any cost. That’s my story and here comes the solution!!! I met JETHACKS and his team while installing their new water leak sensor at their new state of the art location. After speaking to JETHACKS a few times and finding out what the company does I approached him and told him my situation. I was not sure what to expect but after I told him my story his response was 'I guess it’s time we gave this people a taste of their own medicine’ and I was kind of scared at first but I proceeded. After sharing some information while communicating on line on their Telegram ‘’ Jethackss ‘’ as per his request , him and his team were able to identify my profile with the company and every of my transactions and gave me a simple solution. All I had to do was be patient and follow the plan that they laid out for me and my funds will be recovered . After 3 Days in the Program my funds finally extracted and redeposited back to my wallet and things went from bad to Good and when I mean Good I mean I got to sort out the family situation I had and clear out my outstanding debts. So the Bottom Line is this JETHACKS and his Team not only recovers your lost money but they help show you how to identify possible scams and stay fixed in the future and you can’t ask for a better solution !!! . I will be sharing the email contact address also so do well to contact them Email contact : Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Business is all about profit and im my quest to gain more in the business area i fell into a scammers net, at first it felt unreal to me until when i wanted to transfer my funds into my account that everything became a reality that i was a victim of scam. I tried keeping it a secret but couldn't due to the amount of funds i was scammed. I told a friend about my dilemma whom introduced me to a spell caster which dubiously decieved me into paying at about $500000 usd into his account with the Hope that the spell he cast will bring the scammer to his knees begging for his life until he pays all my money back, I believed because i had lost a lot and don't know who or what to hope on. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months before it downed on me that i was scammed again. I had faith in recovering my all money, i started a search online on how to recover money while as i reported the spell caster to the police to handle the case which he paid my money back. I came about COREASSETINC RECOVERY FIRM which specializes in crypto currency or Bitcoin investment recovery for people that have been scammed of their funds online. With their day to day communication in response to recovering my lost funds and excellent services with agreeable terms and conditions where able to help me recover my fund in a space of three days. Atfer which i introduced some friends and people at large seeking such help that there was solution in COREASSETINC RECOVERY FIRM (COREASSETINC @ GMAIL. COM OR TELEGRAM @ COREASSETINC).I am a prove and testimony of their recovery services which was a fascinating experience.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Hi my name is Anatolii Delois and when i first started with JETHACKS RECOVERY SERVICES my world was literally sinking before my very own eyes but working with them has proven to help me immensely such that I can a write a full page about it but am going to try and keep this very short . I started seeking professional help from third parties like the authorities after it got obvious to me that I was getting scammed by the company that guaranteed me my return on investments after I completed the 30 tasks required but even I reached out to the authorities yielded no results for me , they just ended up wasting my time . I got the idea to ask questions on Google and hopefully I get to scavenge any meaningful information, at that point I was ready to do anything as long as it doesn’t include more payment to the scammers.. Luckily I got to learn a lot about crypto recovery hackers and amongst the many recommendations , JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE stood out for me . The reviews about them made me to trust their skills so I quickly contacted the Team on the email address ‘’ Jethacks7 @ gmail . Com ‘’ and working with them showed me how to identify potential scams and I have learnt my lesson never to indulge myself with any affiliate links or platforms but most importantly, with the funds I got recovered back to me by JETHACKS , i not only got to pay off the loans I took from close friends and colleagues,I also got to improve my credit score and I could call at any time and get advice on several other financial issues I came across since we worked on my Recovery case. I can trust this Co. they know their stuff. Also, the amount they charge was within my budget. I'm grateful, give them a try you wont regret it. Thank you JETHACKS for all your help :)
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
I must say, everything that people tells you about crypto recovery it's not true unless it comes from this guys. So many people had told me that after a certain period of time had passed , it would be impossible to regain access to the funds you invested with the company even the support on the company website told me that I’d lose access to my funds if I didn’t get to pay the required tax fee but it’s BS. I’m 46 years old , taxes don’t work like that , why do I have to pay 56,000 usd before I could withdraw the balance on my portfolio , that’s a ridiculous amount of money that could not afford given my financial situation at the time . I have known about J E T H A C K S on Telegram user @ ‘’ Jethackss ‘’ from my working days at Amazon and when I enquired and I found out that he could trace and recover stolen assets from scammers , I gave him a shot, even tho I really didn't think that it could be done, but I trust him so we went for it. A few days after we started the program , I started to see progress cos he always kept me in the loop , the fraud company website already shut down like a month ago so I was scared that it could affect my case but the effort of J E T H A C K S proved to be efficient enough , with his skills and experience in this field , I got to have the full amount that was stuck on my portfolio balance recovered back to me on the third day, like a ray of sunshine my life shun bright again thanks to the JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE.
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Posted 8 months ago
CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY, LOST BTC RECOVERED;  What To Do When You Fall Victim To A Crypto Scam. Contact info:Call / Whatspp: +1(520)282-7151  Email: Support@ultimateshackjerry. c o m Visit: Ultimateshackjerry. c om Hello, My name is Ali Syed.  I'm a Urologist in Birmingham,  I do online trading, I was a scam victim.  Ultimate Hacker Jerry recovered my Bitcoins amazingly. Did you experience the same loss of cryptocurrencies to phony internet investments that I did? or the incorrect wallet? Get in touch with Ultimate Hacker Jerry right once if you want to get your money back or need legal advice on how to proceed. I fell victim to an internet investment fraud and lost about 7.18 BTC. I bought into the promise that I would receive 25% of my investment each month. I was conned in that manner. Fortunately, I came upon a piece about Ultimate Hacker Jerry from Wilder Newton's Local News after a protracted search for instructions on how to restore it. I got in touch with him right away at (support @ ultimateshackjerry. c om ), and I felt comfortable doing so because of the fact that Wilder Newton, a local news source, had given him positive reviews. I got all of my money back with a ROI within 4 hours of contacting him. It was unbelievable I must say, I had to send out my review as well. He is in fact the best good idea. Ma Sha Allah
otcapital.com 5 star review on 29th September 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
All of you, hello. Richmond Fischer his who I am. For any cryptocurrency recovery needs from a reliable recovery company, I recommend https://.coinrecoveryspecialists.com . I would currently be homeless and heavily in debt if you hadn't assisted me in recovering all the money that had been taken from me through phone bitcoin investments. I genuinely appreciate his help and experience in making sure I receive everything back, whether I'm at home, in jail, or both. After reading their email, I reported to them about falling prey to a phone cryptocurrency and FX investor. In less than 48 hours, all of the money that had been taken from me using Bitcoins had been restored to me. I wholeheartedly encourage anyone who may require their assistance to... www.coinrecoveryspecialists.com/webmail +447448074936
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Like most people, I heard the stories, both good and bad, about CRYPTO RECOVERY FIRM OR HACKERS . I assumed that if it were the real deal I would have heard about it on the news or something. My financials was a mess, with a low score of 386 at one point. Obviously, I couldn't have gotten a loan for a candy bar, even if I put half down. I wish I could blame it on someone else but it was all me and I was paying for it literally. Long story short, I recently got involved with a crypto investment company online on Telegram, a lady introduced me to them and assisted me throughout the whole process of registration , I was told my amount of investment determines the ROI and I could trust them 100% , eventually I ended up putting everything I possess and lost woefully , I was put in contact with J E T H A C K S, who apparently made all my woes disappear, as if by magic. My sister wouldn't recommend a service unless it was legit, and I wanted to clear my debt and buy a house , so I decided To give it a go. I contacted JETHACKS on email ‘’ Jethacks7 @ gmail. com and he educated me on some really simple ways to avoid getting scammed in the future and the process of how to get my funds back . It seemed a bit to cut and dry to me and I was a little skeptical for a while, until the numbers rolled in. True to form, my funds was transferred to my wallet address which I had earlier provided and I could make withdrawals with no problem. If you're like me, you've been plagued by scam in the past and in my case it was about 6 months of consistently blaming myself over what happened because I didn't know how to fix it then you need to quickly contact ‘’J E T H A C K S ‘’ on the email address above to have your funds recovered or the following Telegram account @ ‘’ Jethackss ’’
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Are you looking for ways to recover your lost Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from scammers? Search no more! [{backendrecover AT rescueteam DOT c oo mm}} is the best lost crypto recovery agent i have come across on the internet. So glad I took the bold step by contacting him. All my lost coins are back in my Binance wallet.
otcapital.com 5 star review on 28th September 2023
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
Good day everyone on this platform or forum I wanna used this medium to express how you can recover your lost fund from any kind of online scam to investment scam cryptocurrency scam forex broker scam companies if you are been scammed before a lot of people of have lost so much of their funds or investment sold a lot properties so that can they can be able to trade due to investment scam broker wrong advice I know a lot of people might have lost hope that their fund is gonna forever or it can’t be recovered…I have good new I wanna share with online victims who are really seeking for help in recovery of their lost in investment /cryptocurrency frauds I wanna highly recommend the number one leading intelligence and professionalism group of ethical recovery expertise at DARKRECOVERYHACKS RECOVERY FIRM. I personally have introduce this great group recovery expertise to every individual I know who is seeking for recovery helps when it come to handle case for victim they are very reliable and trustworthy. I cannot thank them enough for the incredible job they did. If you are looking for a team of professionals who can provide exceptional recovery services with the utmost discretion and care, then DARKRECOVERYHACKS is the perfect choice. You can contact them via email : DARKRECOVERYHACKS @gmail.com or Telegram @ Darkrecoveryhacks if you ever in need of such kind of services .
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
This Team really saved me, THE JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE , I have just been in contact with them on their official Telegram account @ ‘’ J e t h a c k s s ‘’ where we maintained communication for the 2days period of recovering my funds which I initially thought I was investing with a binary trading platform but little did I know I was getting scammed. I’m also going to put out the name of the scam Company here so you all can take note and beware of them , they go by the name https : www. requitalfinance .c om/ they assured me of a guaranteed return on my money but it was all to deceive me like a written script and I was just an actor , right from the onset they never intended to release a penny to me.. I got wind of this scam quite late when I had already invested almost everything in my bank, with zero idea what to do next I combed through the internet for information where I then stumbled upon recommendations of JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE and my instincts told me to go with them , my instincts have never failed me and it was not about to start then.. luckily everything worked out , my full amount which almost seemed to have been lost forever got recovered back to me successfully by J E T H A C K S . I and the entire of my household will forever be grateful to them . You can as well be able to contact J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E on Email : ‘’ J e t h a c k s 7 @ gmail . Com
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
This is to inform everyone who is looking for professional hackers about Cybernet Surveillance, a private firm that specializes in recovery of stolen/lost cryptocurrency. I wholeheartedly endorse them. I've managed to work with them several times on different occasions and they have never disappointed me. They offer top-notch service with 100% assurance of your money back. If you want to get high value solutions to your problems please don't hesitate to contact them through their email; Cybernetsurveillance @ mail . com or through their WhatsApp number; +1 908 883 7240. Their professionalism and attention to detail is evident in every step of the process. Regards.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
my involvement with this lady I met on instagram got me in a situation I still regret even up to this day , she painted this picture for me and asked I take a look at how great my finances could become if I invested with this crypto currency company where i can be assured of a definite profit at the end of the weekly trade , no flunctuative value, I get 5x the amount I put in , firstly I was very skeptical about the whole platform .. I crossed my T’s and dotted my I’s and everything in me kept telling me not to go ahead but I do much liked her , I was willing to do anything to get me closer to her and I figured investing in this company wouldn’t be such a bad idea plus i wanted to show her how serious I was about meeting her in person . At first I put in $8000 and at the end of the week I got 5x back , the investment was completed successfully and that got to me also .. we agreed I was going to keep investing till summer when she would then fly to come spend some time with me and by the time summer got here , I had invested $130,000 with a 5x generated profits but I couldn’t access any amount . I could clearly see my balance on my dashboard but none of my withdrawal passed , I reached out to her but she asked me to contact support and blocked me right away , i got a fake account to reach out but she wouldn’t talk to me anymore and support was demanding a deposit of $46,000 tax fee which is absurd, I felt so betrayed.. I gave my trust to the wrong people and it cost my dearly so currently am just trying to get my life going again which is off to a great start already thanks to the support I got from JETHACKS ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m ) in getting back my money. The whole process which lasted for 2 days was very eye opening, I learnt a lot and the service was very professional which I then got to receive my complete amount $650,000 on the second day , I had felt alive ever since then . To any person reading this and has been a victim of scam in the past , I urge you to contact them to have all your lost funds recovered, this is their Telegram: J e t h a c k s s . This Team is extremely great at what they do .
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
I wasn’t very sure if it was actually possible to trace and recover funds sent through the crypto network as there are no names , no known country or personal details just some generated alphabets with numbers in the form of an address and once sent, it is done or at least that was what I thought but I know better now, I know funds can be traced and recovered and as a matter of fact , I bet my life on it , this is real and to have my whole funds fully recovered back to me as well the profits it had gained over the period of investment feels surreal and all of this is possible because I employed the services of JETHACKS , they are the best recovery Team of hackers that you can work with and the best part is , they are very transparent, JETHACKS kept me in the loop throughout the whole process which lasted for a period of 2 days before I got a deposit confirmation from binance confirming the full successful deposit of the amount in my account.. it really is a very commendable thing from JETHACKS and I couldn’t have been more satisfied with this Team . JETHACKS can be found on Email and TELEGRAM contacts below TELEGRAM: Jethackss Email : Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
We don’t get many second chances in all of our lifetime and when we do get one , it is paramount that we never repeat the same mistake again . I was determined to get back my money and coming into contact with JETHACKS was the second chance I needed . First off , I’d like to say a very big THANK YOU ! to the whole Team at JETHACKS for how they handled my case from the day one when I reached out to them on their Telegram account username @ Jethackss and provided the necessarily details which had enabled the successful tracing and retrieval of my invested funds on the platform totaling at $217,800 back to my external wallet address and I got to access it all completely. JETHACKS gave me a second chance and I intend to put into good use the recovered money and never make the same mistake again . JETHACKS can also be found on EMAIL : Jethacks 7 @ gmail . Com
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
I've probably encountered the worst scams. I suffered a loss of over $125,000 USD. These con artists have no mercy; they forced me to sell my homes when I was unable to continue paying them. I was unable to escape because I was stuck. After doing some research, I contacted a reliable recovery firm, who assisted me in getting my stolen Bitcoin back into my wallet. If you have ever been the victim of a scam, hang in there because Adrian Lamo Wizard will return your money to you. They are experts in financial recovery who focus on recovering money lost to catfish/romance scams as well as cryptocurrency, bitcoin, and forex. Contact Adrian Lamo Wizard at email. adrianlamowizard22@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +31647921391 order WhatsApp +31647118971 & Telegram: +31647921391
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
I've probably encountered the worst scams. I suffered a loss of over $125,000 USD. These con artists have no mercy; they forced me to sell my homes when I was unable to continue paying them. I was unable to escape because I was stuck. After doing some research, I contacted a reliable recovery firm, who assisted me in getting my stolen Bitcoin back into my wallet. If you have ever been the victim of a scam, hang in there because Adrian Lamo Wizard will return your money to you. They are experts in financial recovery who focus on recovering money lost to catfish/romance scams as well as cryptocurrency, bitcoin, and forex. Contact Adrian Lamo Wizard at email. adrianlamowizard22@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +31647921391 order WhatsApp +31647118971 & Telegram: +31647921391
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
The most terrifying part of this whole internet scamming thing that seems to be ripping right through our society everyday is that it can only get worse and worse and many innocent people are going to keep getting hurt by these people until more awareness has been created so people can learn not from their own experiences but from the experiences of others before you so you don’t put yourself into trouble due to lack of information. Like many people out there, I lost a huge amount of my life savings to an investment website called stockshare.com , they made it look like I was investing into stocks while In reality I was just dealing with scammers and I had no idea until it was too late , I struggled to keep up with the never ending demands for more deposits before my pending withdrawal request could be processed until I got to meet J E T H A C K S , This hacking Team proved worthy and equal to the task just like I was told and I’ve come here to recommend J E T H A C K S to all of you , to reach out to Him for Help, many great recommendations of him already and I can assure you that this is the one we can all trust and just like the many others before me , he has successfully recovered funds for victims of scam like us . The contact details are as follows TELEGRAM ID : J e t h a c k s s EMAIL : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
I am aware firsthand of the devastation that losing a Bitcoin can cause, particularly if its value has increased. I recently lost my Bitcoin due to a phishing assault. I was inconsolable and believed I would never see my money again. However, I then learned about Bitcoin recovery services. I was initially dubious, but I made the decision to give it a shot. I'm so happy I did. Within a few weeks, the Bitcoin recovery staff at Lord Hacker Ultimate Digital Assets Recovery was able to retrieve my Bitcoin. They were competent, skilled, and professional. I'm extremely appreciative of their support. To speak to a rep of Lord Hacker Ultimate Digital Recovery Assets, Email: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM,  WhatsApp No: +19095063423, website: lordhackerultimatee.wixsite.com/hacker, YouTube page: @lordhackerultimate
otcapital.com 5 star review on 20th September 2023 otcapital.com 5 star review on 20th September 2023
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Posted 8 months ago
I was in this situation where I couldn’t afford to pay bills , school fees and the general welfare of my family seemed to be impossible for me to do as I had no dime to my name , silver or gold I possessed none because a lady I met on telegram somehow managed to take me for every penny I had and I was feeling like a liability to my family and all of my friends whom I took loans from during my escapades with this lady , I can’t even say am sure whoever took my money was a lady , for all I know that could be a black man from Africa using her photos and convinced me to invest in this quick money platform that got you investing with crypto , everything gone in a split second , very terrible thing . The reason I share this here today is because I was lucky enough to get to know of JETHACKS , a true recovery Specialist hacker that can trace and recover funds which were taken through questionable methods and thanks to JETHACKS, things are better with my family today , I got back all of my money and now doing better with my life . You can get in contact with JETHACKS on Email : Jethacks7 @ gmail . Com also on his official Telegram Username @ Jethackss
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Posted 8 months ago
otcapital.com is rated 4.9 based on 335 reviews