otcapital.com Reviews

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I would like to use this platform to say thank you to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E for a job well done . I’m going to be very sincere here ( full disclosure ) , I do not have a sob story of any kind nor am I gonna say I was in a very bad state or any kind of situation for that matter after I lost my money to crypto scammers I met on Facebook. They boasted of great returns on investments which captured my interest and I lost an amount of $75,000 to them . Once I figured it was an elaborate scam designed to trap investors for more money I had to move on... it did suck to lose my hard earned money but I had to move on otherwise I would’ve kept on paying . Nowadays I just think about that whole period and my decision to move on and am proud of myself for that . self control is key in every relationship I get involved in so that allowed them no chance to exploit me further had I given in to my desperation although it stung so bad when it happened but that was until J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E was able to recover my friends $350k from cryptonator.com the fraud company that also took my money so my friend linked me up to the Team, I forwarded all transactions proofs for verification and confirmation and after the verification was confirmed then they initiated the extraction process to have my money retrieved from the fraud company database . I’m testifying this here with smiles on my face .. J e t h a c k s r e c o v e r y c e n t r e is a proven Team and I can vouch for their unmatched skills and experience to get the job done with my recovered funds sitting right here in my external wallet and also I already converted a part of it into real cash with no issues. The contact details of the Team are as follows Email: j e t h a c k s 7 @ GMAIL . Com Telegram Username is @ J e t h a c k s s . Reach out on any contacts today for their help .
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
sometimes life can be very unpredictable and we all have had situations in the past where we wished we made better choices. I’m from Birmingham, I grew up in Chicago but I moved back to my hometown after my divorce to be around my family, I wanted to start an entirely new life and I was open to anything including a remote work. At the time, crypto ventures seemed like the perfect idea for me to start with so through Instagram, I got to know about a UK investment platform with a physical office in Lancaster , I think that’s what convinced me to trust them and It never crossed my mind they could actually be a fraud company with a paper office to deceive unsuspecting individuals like me . Fast forward to 3 months later when everything went fell apart, i noticed website had shutdown and my contact on Instagram deactivated her account and vanished into thin air , no form of explanation or compensation on my investment , it was like they never existed and I was left with absolutely nothing so that prompted me to reach out to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E when I had about their services.. I wrote to them on telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s before moving to email : j e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . Com where I provided the team with the investment details and transactions between me and the platform, to my greatest surprise , The J E T H A C K S Recovery Team got to retrieve my investment of £218 000 after 3 days of working tirelessly to accurately trace and retrieve every penny I sent to the scam platform. The J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E has indeed lived up to his reputation and I am very happy to say they are the most effective recovery company for anyone who’s been a victim of scam you can also contact them as well to help you regain your money .
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
All my life I have been sweating my pants and working my ass off to make a better life for myself . Our society has been designed to make women dependent on men however i was raised by a single parent so that thought me a lot at a very young age . I wasn’t always the brightest in school but I always had a knack for opportunities.. I could always spot an opportunity whenever I see one just like Bitcoin. I started following Bitcoin in 2015 when the price was still very friendly , back then I was just basically investing and HODLING which was going good but sometimes good isn’t good enough so I decided to diversify the market and explore the full potential of Bitcoin to the fullest till I almost lost all of my investments to a fake company I had met on telegram, they go by the name tradeiQ . Actually I lost everything to the fraud company until I got to contact J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E for help to have everything retrieved back to my wallet .. All my life, I’ve had to work very hard every single day for my money so I don’t intend to let anyone take anything from me not even a dime !!! …. Today I owe it all to J E T H A C K S for his superior intellectual abilities in how he traced down and recouped back my portfolio balance of $190,300 to my wallet. Truth be told, I have no idea what I would have done without his help and in the end , I give god all the Glory. You can also get in touch with J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E via Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . com
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
First and foremost I have to say that I feel lucky to have chosen the J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e to help me fix the situation I put myself into, and today I write this to express my extreme satisfaction with the way you and your team handled my case from the onset when I first came to you . On that day , I made a phone call with you through Watsapp +1 (803) 479 2043 that changed my situation which was already set for doom . Prior to the work done by you and your team, I had difficulty in getting access to my money . I thought I had a legit business agreement with a real crypto investment company but as it turned out I was only dealing with an imposter posing as the intermediary broker between me and the company , the website he gave to me was only a replica of the real company so all my payment was being directed to his personal wallet.. this went on for months of back to back payments till I noticed something is unusual . I’m a business man and there’s no business where you keep giving and giving and giving but no receiving so I told him my friend I want my money , I hate lies and dishonest people he then blocked me .. I have all evidence of transaction so I made a few calls to friends and families then my uncle recommended the J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C e n t r e . My uncle is very well connected and he has worked with this guy many years ago so he is very familiar with their work therefore I didn’t doubt at all, so I used the contact details my uncle gave to me to seek for their help . It was then they explained to me that I was dealing with a fake website not the original one . After 3 days of their work , they were able to retrieve 95% of the money I sent to the scammers wallet, it was the only available amount left there, still a very huge success and I deeply appreciate their very fantastic efforts to get back my money to me. Cheating can never be forgiven and many have been scammed like me so I want to use this opportunity to tell everybody my story, all hope is not lost yet and with the J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E you can retrieve your money. This team can also be found on Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s and J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . com .
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
I was a little reluctant to sign up for a crypto recovery service because I wasn’t sure there would be anything anybody could do for me. I heard a TON of negative stories on the internet from other people about recovery services they had signed up for, payed a lot of money on several occasions, only to have a bad experience and very little effort made by the company to help them. It became very hard to trust anyone in this field when there is a lot of dishonesty and many who are incompetent and then when i put into consideration the fact that i’ve been scammed twice it became very difficult for me to trust anyone again so I took my time to conduct a detailed inquiry and thorough research in trying to find just the right person to help me and still I wasn’t sure who to go with . then on one faithful day , a friend of a friend recommended J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E and I’m so glad she did! . Honestly speaking I probably would not have gone with this company had it been that they weren’t recommended by someone I know in real life so that gave me a lot of confidence . from the first conversation with him on ( Telegram @J e t h a c k s s ) , I could tell that he was going to make every effort possible to help me. Initially a verification process was done to confirm my case and upon confirmation the traces and extraction process was launched . This company is more concerned with its client’s satisfaction than its own pocket and will not take a penny from you if the recovery of your funds is not guaranteed . To cap it all of , I had great success with this guy and the money that was recovered back to me has massively helped me and my family . I would definitely recommend this company J e t h a c k s 7 @ gmail . com who intervened in my case for anyone who’s facing a similar situation and requires help getting back what they have lost to fake crypto investments , J E T H A C K S R e c o v e r y C e n t r e will help you to get your funds back .
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
HOW I RECOVERED MY $230K WORTH OF CRYPTO'S, WHEN THE TRADING PLATFORM DID NOT ALLOW ME TO WITHDRAW MY FUNDS: I was introduced to a cryptocurrency trading platform smatdec. me. where I invested my entire savings, they didn’t allow me to withdraw my profits or my investment funds even after paying all sorts of ridiculous fees. I’m a disabled veteran and losing my funds to these platforms has caused me all forms of financial distress and depression. I was very lucky to have come across ethicsrefinance Security Service, which was able to help me recover my crypto after their investigation, they found out the platform was a scam site and was only after my investment funds. ethicsrefinance Security Service was able to recover all my funds. I’m truly grateful and I highly recommend their services to everyone affected by this scam. Their Contact Information is as follows: Email-ethicsrefinance@gmail.com website- www.ethicsrefinance.com whatsapp :+17196428467 You can also contact them for the service below Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer Bank Transfer PayPal / Skrill Transfer Crypto Mining CashApp Transfer Bitcoin Loans Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
I began with J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E a bit over a year ago. I already lost all my savings to a fake binary options trading platform , I had a huge amount invested on there with the platform and It was my intention to become financially stable for life once the 5 months period of investment has elapsed. Today, i own a new trucking business with 1 truck already and I’m in the works to buy a New 2020 International HV607 SBA 6X4 Truck. I can not over emphasize on the value and quality of their services , their recovery program has tremendously improved my life and gave me a fresh start with a new purpose when all hope seemed to have been lost . I admit , I was EXTREMELY skeptical about using a Recovery company , mostly because I didn’t know what to expect and I didn’t have money to blow on something that might possibly not work but I decided to give The J E T H A C K S R e c o v e r y C E N T R E a try because of the way he laid out the steps of the process to me , and due to the large amount of positive reviews. I’m absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to have come full circle, and post my own review today. This team is absolute professionals, knows what he's doing and will take the time to explain anything you ask of him, and he has been nothing but honest and upfront about everything since day one. I think J e t h a c k s understands the very serious stress of his client’s financial situations and responds in kind with absolutely relentless professionalism, hard work and flawless results .I will recommend JRC to anyone you put in front of me, reach out to them today to have your cases resolved then come back to share your testimony!.. their contact information is J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . Com and Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s . My only regret is not starting sooner. Thank you Lorin, I couldn’t be happier!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
I was referred to J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y C E N T R E ( J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . com ) by a friend and co-worker who was using his service and was impressed with his honesty and work ethics. To be honest myself, it took me some time to make up my mind, considering all the negative things being said over the internet about this industry. We got to work together on my case for less than a week but I have to say that I am impressed with the effect of his work capability, the whole experience has opened my eyes on the all important nature of financial stability in every single one of us’s life, It is better safe than sorry and while our desire to achieve the better things of life may sometimes push us to take risks, it is more important to be disciplined , at the end what matters most is happiness so why risk everything when I had a stable and happy life with my family!?. and even more so that I got to recover my USDT worth of half a million dollars hanging on my portfolio balance for over 5 months since I got to find out I was getting played . Initially I sent a message on his email address and once he replied , I explained my situation to him , he promised to help explained everything to me and it was on the fourth day that my funds was recovered , It felt Ike my eyes was playing a game of numbers on me but it became very clear upon my withdrawal confirmation to bank and successfully converted to cash in my bank account . He is very experienced in this field and replied in a quick manner , which is always extremely important. am currently at a point where all I need to do going forward is to rebuild and strengthen my financial system by avoiding falling back to these past errors and never again! in this my blessed lifetime will I make any manner of online investment again!.. I will gladly refer him to anyone I know that is struggling with bad investments because I know they will not be let down , his Telegram Username is @ J e t h a c k s s . Thank you sir, for your hard work and dedication!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
With so many recovery testimonies out there, it's difficult to know the honest from the dishonest. At first , I chose J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E because he was referred to me by a friend who used him with a lot of success in the past. I am so glad that I went with him. His recovery program lasted for a couple of days after which I went from renting to buying my own home. His program works and you have to work with him to make it a success. My husband and I debt was far too high to go through with purchasing a long overdue new home , he lost a huge portion of the funds to an investment deal he made with an acquaintance online . I had no idea about this until it was around the time of the year we were supposed to pay for the house he then told me the truth , I felt devastated thinking he could do such thing without talking to me about it but nonetheless he is husband I couldn’t be mad at him forever. When we first spoke to J E T H A C K S was on Telegram, He reviewed our case and gave us our options before he starts the process . He does not take a dime of your money until you know what you are getting yourself into like most of the recovery companies out there would do and ask you to pay for consultancy fee before reviewing your case .He has infallible knowledge and overall great experience in the recovery field and knew exactly how to get the job done . Once the extraction process was complete, we got a deposit alert on my husband’s Blockchain wallet and we quickly transferred out everything to bank . Today I write this from the comfort of our newly acquired home all thanks to the best recovery company in the world, I will forever be grateful and won’t hesitate to refer this company to any friend who tells me they have a hiccup on a supposed online investment to get help from the J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E on any of his contacts informations , Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s OR Email : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m . Even in the future and in my next life I’d still chose him again, It has been a pleasure working with him.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Exactly 10 months ago we reached out to J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E for help to recoup our Usdt that has been frozen by the CAE company . He did a wonderful job and kept us informed throughout the whole process. Prior to asking for his help , I Was feeling like i was stuck just like my Usdt.. the CAE company froze my balance making me feel very powerless but Getting to know about the J e t h a c k s R e c o v e r y c e n t r e was the hill I needed to climb and soon as i climbed up everything took a different turn for the better . I got to know about the Recovery company thru a friend who referred his services. We did get our finances back on track after his services and he never made me feel bad for my situation. The price didn’t break the wallet, he is very quick to respond and most of all very very knowledgeable. Overall I’d recommend him with 5 s. Everything was super convenient and very well worth every penny and I have continued to recommend him to any and everyone I have come across with a similar experience and have lost funds they want to recover back from investment scam companies to get in touch with him you can reach him on any of the contact information I will share now . Telegram username is @ J e t h a c k s s ‘’ And Email address is : J e t h a c k s 7 @ g mail . co m
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
My funds recovery story may or may not be the norm. I was once a thriving individual with a truly perfect financial plan . I was excelling in my life and loving the life I’d been working hard for throughout my 20s- but life isn’t always easy, and in 2018 at the age of 34, I found myself facing cancer and an adult onset of muscular dystrophy. By 2020, 2 years into my fight, I had found keeping-up with non-stop medical bills and loans to be an overwhelming adventure, putting me into debt But caring about ones financial situation often takes a back burner when one is possibly dying. Fast forward to 2022, and I’m still alive, still fighting off matters of cancer, and finally ready to take back control over my life . I needed a way to get things going but I could only work from home at the time so I got deeply invested into crypto , i used up what was left of me to invest with imtokenbit.com and I got scammed . They promised me huge returns on my investment which I also took money from family to give them . I saw huge potential in the business but I fell into the wrong hands and it took me a month to gain the courage to reach out to someone for help in hopes to salvage whatever is left . I was expecting to be shamed in the same way I was shaming myself for allowing things to get so rocky but I am forever thankful that I came across J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E. truly amazing guy! Through out our period of communication on his Telegram account @ J e t h a c k s s He treated me with respect and empathy, two things I was struggling to feel for myself in regards to the matter. There was no shame, just support. with his help in recouping my invested assets with the scammers , I was able to pay off debts and keep fighting off matters of cancer . I can’t thank him enough for his work, as well as for just being a downright good person. Thank you with all my heart! If I ever find myself in a hacking situation again, J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E would be the first person/company I’d call.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Please do yourself a favor and remove all doubt about moving forward with J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T E R. If you want beyond exceptional customer service, knowledgeable crypto recovery agent; you have came to the right place. I reached out to this company out of pure frustration from trying to regain access to funds I had invested in the wrong hands. I had some strange problems with my withdrawal requests , I noticed each time I initiated a withdraw process it usually doesn’t pass and these guys would come up with some excuse which usually ends with me paying some crazy fee , I paid withdrawal fee, refundable deposit fee ( they said I would get this one back ) , gas fee but then they asked me to pay $16,000 for account unlock/ upgrade because I initiated withdrawal without upgrading my account and I just couldn’t take it anymore . I was given some free advice by a friend to seek a Recovery company and suggested J ETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE , this company is also Gephardt approved so I was able to look up some honest reviews about their services . JETHACKS is the best! When I messaged them on their Telegram account @ J e t h a c k s s ‘’ desperate for help just over 5 months ago I had no idea how to build up my finances again and I needed help. Since that call this company has made it possible for me to get into my dream truck and also buy a 2nd commuter car all thanks to the astounding work did by this company to recover the huge amount of investment in excess of over 200,000 usd that was nearly stolen from me in an investment scam . If you need help recovering your money from investment scams , do not hesitate! this company will do all the hard work needed to make your life easier. I couldn’t thank him enough and would recommend him to anyone needing the help . You can also reach the company on their email address ‘’ J e t h a c k s 7 @ g m a i l . c o m
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Reviews seem too good to be true, but they’re not!!! the J E T H A C K S R E CO V E R Y C E N T R E is upfront and honest about your particular recovery situation and what the chances are . In my case I didn’t get to have everything recovered but I got 93% of everything and sincerely speaking that’s more than enough for me . He does not sugar coat words and give false hope or empty promises. I was cautiously optimistic about trusting him with my case, but after a little over 2 days of working with him I am blown away by the results! . I regret not following through early on in the year when I first came to know about J E T H A C K S R E C O V E R Y C E N T R E and his recovery program, I even enquired about his services on his email where we spoke briefly ‘’ J e t h a c k s 7 AT gmail . com ‘’ and got my case registered but I panicked and never followed through , it was all just too good to be true , that’s what i thought so I deemed it impossible to recover funds sent through a company’s Bitcoin address but I was wrong , today my experience with this team has changed my entire life for the better and he was great to work with me and get completely signed up the second time I approached him this time on Telegram username @ J e t h a c k s s . Initially I explained what happened the first time but his honesty made me feel I could trust him and I could tell he was speaking from a place of personal experience on how the recovery process works . I am Very grateful and finally hopeful with my financial future.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
Bitcoin trading is one of fast and vast growing cryptocurrency trading platform online. crypto currency has made many rich and also made some broke and desperate. Losing crypto currency can be an unimaginable experience more on the feeling that it cannot be retrieved, I lost my crypto currency funds to online platform I got introduced to by my neighbor Mr Taylor whom I have known for a decade now. We normally sit out at home on weekends or free days discussing and sharing business ideas until when he told me about crypto currency investment and how he made profits from the investment urging me to give crypto currency investment a try. I never knew I was pushing myself to a miserable delimma thinking I was favouring myself. I couldn't believe there was no possibility of recovering my lost funds back because the total funds lost where huge, at about $400,000 dollars lost to online scammers in the name of investing into cryptocurrency. Be careful of the platform you invest your hard earned money into although I took that in as lesson learned while stepping into crypto currency investment world. I kept on seeking for solutions to the problem until I came across many recovery firms online but I concluded to give COREASSETINC RECOVERY FIRM a chance of assisting in the recovering of my lost funds. They were the best with clear ideas with the recovery process, they got me out of turmoil I didn't know when it will last. They recovered every penny put into the investment step by step, what amazed me most was that it was done in a space of one week. Their official Telegram page : @ COREASSETINC OR Email : COREASSETINC @ GMAIL. .COM. THEY DID IT FOR ME WHEN I BELIEVED THAT NOTHING CAN BE POSSIBLY DONE TO RECOVERING MY LOST FUNDS
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
JETHACKS came highly recommended to me by a friend who has had a long career in the mortgage industry. I ran into agencies that stated they can restore lost assets , but most of the agencies want a substantial amount of money down and you didn’t know what you were getting. After months of researching and reviewing that led to nothing , my good friend recommended I seek the help of Craig with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE and as many are, I was skeptical. I’m a Law Enforcement Officer and didn’t want to get taken advantage of or scammed. After our first telephone chat, it seemed like I knew Mr. Craig for years and trusted his services he presented. I took a leap of faith and decided to try it out. This business man is excellent at what he does and he is very straight forward with what to expect. Mr. Craig after a few days of your service and hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost investment recovered back to my possession, I would like to recommend you on a national level to any and all individuals who are looking to restore lost assets from scam investment companies to improve their future and get in direct contact with you on ‘’ Email : Jethacks7 @ gmail . com ‘’ or Telegram @ Jethackss . I appreciate your time and hard work, thanks again! Respectfully, Eduard P.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 months ago
STOLEN OR HACKED CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY PRO - CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. Recovery of Lost Crypto; Binary options scam, Investment scams, Loans scam Etc.What happens after losing Bitcoin to Fraudsters? You can choose to accept the loss and give the con artists your hard-earned money, or you can choose the second choice. As a result of your failure to stop the scammers, additional people will become victims, many of whom will most likely be your friends or relatives. As an alternative, you can contact bitcoin recovery professionals like Captain WebGenesis at  Email add (Captainwebgenesis@hackermail. com) who will assist you in tracing and recovering your bitcoin. Captain WebGenesis collaborates with law enforcement to help catch these con artists. You can proceed as long as you know the wallet address of the con artist. I wish you success in getting your bitcoin back. WhatsApp; +1,2,0,5,3,3,6,1,0,2,0, Learn More; www.captainwebgenesis. com
otcapital.com 5 star review on 18th October 2023
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Posted 7 months ago
I’m a professional in all kinds of hacking services, which leads me into giving out a blank ATM card to all individuals & serious minded people only, We have help so many people and make them rich, this is real and guarantee sure our Atm will be attached to any serious buyer. HERE IS OUR PRICE LISTS FOR THE CARDS 1,000 USD daily for 2 weeks cost 300 USD 1,000 USD daily for 1 month cost 500 USD 1,000 USD daily for 2 months cost 800 USD 1,000 USD daily for 3 months cost 1,000 USD 1,000 USD daily for 6 months cost 1,600 USD 1,000 USD daily for 1 year cost 2,700 USD 1,000 USD daily for 2 Years cost 4,800 USD 1,000 USD daily for 3 Years cost 8,900 USD Note : this blank ATM card solves your life time problems and makes you rich. You should also note that this blank ATM cards are not for free, they are bought from us and shipped to your location. We deal with serious people who want this Card. Email : darkwebonlinehackers @ gmail . com Whats App: +1 (803) 392-1735
otcapital.com 5 star review on 16th October 2023
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Posted 8 months ago
We were doing fine with our income level & happy as a family . however, my husband, a firefighter, had an incident at work that put him off for almost 1 year. Since this was a Worker’s Comp situation, he wasn’t allowed to pursue any job during this time. With 6 children, it didn’t take long to dip hands into our savings . This was also the same time of the big bullish run on the Bitcoin market where everyone was looking for and being offered opportunities to invest in Bitcoin and earn significant amounts from home. We actually made 2 attempts to do this , which meant using precious funds to pay up front, only to have things not work out…in fact, the second company even closed their website and were gone. So frustrating. We contacted a lawyer who suggested we needed to get the attention of A crypto recovery company by which we would later dismiss. It took doing this twice to finally get me to consider it , you can understand my fears after loosing our money on 2 different occasions and I couldn’t trust anything online again . When my husband finally agreed, we swung for the fence to find a legit crypto recovery company that would eventually recover what we had lost . One day we happened upon a review for JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE ( Jethacks 7 @ g mail. com ) We were intrigued because he was Gephardt Approved. After talking with Jethacks , he patiently answered questions and assured us that he could help. He is diligent to his word, and the next day we would get an update from him to keep us in the loop. He cheered right along with us when the extraction process from both companies was complete and we got to have the funds available in our account. This is not an overnight fix, but he was worth every penny we spent. My husband is back to work now , life has been good and I couldn’t be more grateful than I am right now . Thank you !!! . Further contact for JETHACKS Recovery Centre is Telegram @ Jethackss , you can also get help from him to retrieve what you have lost to scam companies
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
If you want to achieve better results with almost instantaneous customer service sign up with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE!.. this company is about taking care of business and is respectfully stern about the processes involved . I lost a huge amount of money which some of it I borrowed from banks and friends to invest with a binary company but little did I know it was a fake company , they nearly succeeded in ruining my life , I was under pressure from the banks to pay up what I took and I was on the verge of filing for bankruptcy but I was advised to sign up with this company to have my funds recovered and put an end to the constant demand from banks before they’d come and take my house, Jethacks provided me with a great service that did just that. I’m able to access the $154,000 BTC amount recovered back to me with the great help of this Team, the recovered money has tremendously helped me climb out of my financial despair hole and I’m playing the game smarter having learnt a lot from him during the process of my lost funds recovery . I got great advice and I don’t think I once waited longer than 1 hour for a response. Also I could write them anytime I needed their service just one of the many perks of working with this company and last but not least I have cleared all of my outstanding debts with my banks and I am now debt free which was my goal from the beginning when i decided to reach out to the company for help . Take my word for it JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE is not just your average run of the mill Funds recovery company . He goes above and beyond all expectations. Fix your financial situation and get your life back on track with JETHACKS RECOVERY CENTRE you won’t be sorry.\.. to get started send a message directly to them on any of the company’s official account : Email ‘’ Jethacks 7 @ gmail . com Telegram ‘’ @Jethackss ’’
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
I lost my bitcoin to fake impostors i met on Instagram, they contacted me to invest with them in Bitcoin binary option and I fell stupidly for their mischievous act, this made them gain access to my funds $230,000 usd which i invested.I was almost in a comma and dumbfounded because this was all my savings I banked up on , waiting for bitcoin rate to improve . Then my niece recommended me to DARKRECOVERYHACKS RECOVERY FIRM, experts on crypto recovery, So i made my researched online about this recovery institute, with the contact address-DARKRECOVERYHACKS @ GMAIL .COM or Telegram @ DARKRECOVERYHACKS . I wrote directly to their agent explaining my loss. Hence, they helped me recover 97% of my bitcoin just after 5days. They helped me launch the recovery program , and the culprits were identified as well , all thanks to their expertise . I hope I have been able to help someone as well . Reach out to this recovery firm to recover your lost funds from any form of online scam......
Helpful Report
Posted 8 months ago
otcapital.com is rated 4.9 based on 336 reviews