“No Customer Service available !!!
When signing up to ScottishPower's boiler insurance, Scottish Power confirmed to me by email that I am insured. But when I wanted to claim, it turned out that my insurance account was not even set up. They lost my insurance sign-up.
It took me approximately 10 emails to their Customer Service, but they constantly refused to assist me.
Finally, I got offered a £100 compensation and they assured me: "We will take this on board and make sure that the relevant changes are made to the customer service."
This assurance obviously did not get acted upon, because their customer service even worsened from then on.
Subsequently, I did not even get any reply at all to 4 out of my 5 emails to Scottish Power's Customer Service. This is a failure rate of 80%.”
“Couldn’t be happier with SP, had a small problem the other day and was resolved in good time.
Use my referral code if your thinking of joining SP for gas / electric. We both get £50.
Join now and earn £50 credit: https://quote.scottishpower.co.uk/#/refer/7yUlq00pDlAQwHqMberg0HaD2TLpg79hrpj2aMowQyA=”