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SLV.Global 5 star review on 9th March 2024
SLV.Global 5 star review on 9th March 2024
SLV.Global 5 star review on 28th February 2019
SLV.Global 5 star review on 3rd October 2018
Sioned Edwards
SLV.Global 5 star review on 3rd October 2018
Sioned Edwards
SLV.Global 5 star review on 1st August 2018
SLV.Global 5 star review on 4th August 2017
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
One of the best experiences I have had! After my third week on this placement I decided that 5 weeks would not be long enough and I therefore extended to a 10 week placement and took on the role of coordinator, which meant I could help new volunteers to have the fulfilling and amazing experience I have had. It has helped me discover what I would be most interested in when considering a career in psychology and enabled me to have a completely new cultural experience. The main thing I have learnt from this experience is that you get out exactly what you put in - I was eager to learn, motivated and open-minded, all of which enabled me to have the best experience I could have possibly had. I made so many life-long friends and really enjoyed my time in Sri Lanka. I highly recommend this placement for psychology students/graduates looking for experience in teaching, mental health or special needs and anyone who wants to make a difference!
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Posted 9 years ago
Words can't quite describe how amazing this one experience was for me. Not only have I made the best of friends with some people but I was able to immerse mysel into a culture and truly understand their values and way of living. This was definately a shock for myself and many others but a fantastic shock it was. I loved working with the community and less fortunate, it enabled me to thrive. I did the 12 week placement but was lucky Enough to have a week of for Sinhala new year. Sri Lanka as a country is beautiful, if I hadnt of gone for 12 weeks if of missed so many amazing places to visit at the weekend! Loved my placement with SLV. Thank you!!
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Posted 9 years ago
I was a coordinator in Sri Lanka for 10 weeks this past summer. The experience I gained was absolutely phenomenal. Since my freshman year of university I started saving up money because I knew that I wanted to work abroad. When I started looking into programs in Mental Health a year ago, most opportunities that I found were advocacy internships and not the hands on clinical experience that I was seeking. All of the programs that I found through my school in California and online were extremely unaffordable. When I happened upon SLV, I was so thrilled to see this program was not only affordable but it was all-inclusive giving me a chance to gain experience in teaching children and youths, work with those with special needs, and run therapeutic activities within a psychiatric hospital. Having been there for 10 weeks, I can attest to how well rounded this program is and the unforgettable memories that I have formed. The projects challenged me and gave me great insight to not only mental health in the cultural context of Sri Lanka, but also about myself. Leaving after 10 weeks, I am now absolutely certain that I want to work within the field of mental health for the rest of my life. This program made me more motivated to pursue my passion within the field of mental health. The past 10 weeks were a life changing experience that I will never forget. I absolutely recommend this program to anyone looking for more experience teaching, working with special needs, and in mental health.
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Posted 9 years ago
Had a phenomenal time!! Lucy and co-ordinatirs were amazing and extremely helpful! Such a rewarding experience from which I learnt and grew as a result of. Life changing experience, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to make even a small enough difference to put a smile on someone's face!
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Posted 9 years ago
I could not be happier with this placement from the moment I was greeted at colombo airport to the many heart-felt goodbyes on my departure. I have met so many inspiring people and I have learn't an immeasurable amount during the many workshops, field trips and projects making this the most enlightening, insightful and amazing opportunity I have experienced so far. SLV are an immensely organised and supportive organisation, there was no point during my placement that I felt alone or as though there was no one to contact if I had a problem. Overall, I could not recommend this placement more!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
The five weeks I spent volunteering with SLV on the psychology placement gave me a unique insight into the field of mental health in Sri Lanka. The projects we were assigned to were varied in scope (i.e. teaching, special needs, hospital visits, etc.), but I enjoyed every bit of it. SLV will do the best they can to ensure that you feel comfortable and supported during the whole experience. You will never be alone in projects as there will be other volunteers and field officers with you. The coordinators are very helpful and organised; they do whatever they can to help you get settled in and adjusted to living in this foreign country. There is indeed a language barrier but I found that by making an effort to learn a little Sinhala, people tend to respond to you more and interact/engage with you. Sri Lanka is a beautiful country (you get to see more of it on the weekends off!) and I cannot recommend this experience enough to anyone who is looking for a gratifying summer experience.
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Posted 9 years ago
***** Wow, what an absolutely invaluable & eye-opening experience - a "once in a lifetime" one. If you have any hesitations about going for it...JUST DO IT. There aren't many other opportunities to be so immersed in a different culture from home-life to work-life. Thank you to Lucy & to all of the other SLV staff for making it happen :).
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
I had the most incredible summer in Sri Lanka that I will never forget! I did the special needs placements and enjoyed the diversity of opportunities I got to experience. I loved the teaching placements and was so sad to leave all the places I worked at for the last time. I felt that I was challenged but supported constantly by other volunteers, coordinators and project managers. I dedication that everyone had and the amazing families we stayed with made it feel like we were part of a huge family and an even huger community. Other than the volunteering, I love the fact that I got to experience such a gorgeous country, with beautiful people and can't wait to go back one day.
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Posted 9 years ago
I had an incredible experience with SLV this summer. I volunteered on the 10 week placement but honestly wished I could've done 12! I have volunteered with other organisations abroad but SLV excels them in terms of support, hands-on experience, organisation, training and genuine impact on the community. For those considering the psychology placement please do not be put off by the inclusion of teaching projects. Conducting training and presentations are a requirement within most assistant psychology job descriptions and is therefore a beneficial experience. But the teaching projects were my favourite by far and were so much fun! The psychology placements are very independent, but you will gain more valuable experience applying your own skills and knowledge than aimlessly job-shadowing. You're free to exert your individuality as a practitioner and you learn new skills from the great skill mix within the team. The placement is more cost-effective than you would think. The home stays are of a surprisingly good quality whilst not tarnishing the experience of living in a traditional Sri Lankan setting. The cost of living is so cheap in Sri Lanka that I spent less money (expenses inclusive) by taking part than staying in the UK and paying rent/bills/daily living costs - and I could not have spent every weekend on exotic beaches and playing with baby elephants in the UK! I can't recommend this enough, you just can't imagine how much you'll enjoy it and as clique as it may sound you'll be a whole new person!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
I could easily rate how SLV placements gave me the opportunity to practice therapeutic activities, go to great workshops and training, and gave me great experience for my CV and opportunities you would not be able to get in the UK. But that would not give the placement its' justice. The best part of the 10-week placement, for me, was being able to see the impact that consistent and constant support gave to particular service users and also the overall impact to the communities. If I was able to see that in my short time there, then it is quite unimaginable the impact that SLV has had in the past and will continue to have in the future. The most important thing for this placement is to have no expectations, because all western preconceptions will not be applicable to Sri Lanka.
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Posted 9 years ago
I have volunteered for a number of overseas organisations and this experience has by far been the most valuable experience I have ever had. Not only
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Posted 9 years ago
I have just came back from Sri Lanka and already massively missing it! Doing the mental health placement in Sri Lanka was the best decision I've ever made. When I first got out there for the first few days I was terrified but within a week it felt like home and the projects were so enjoyable and rewarding that I quickly forgot about the UK. Whilst I was out there I got the opportunity to become a coordinator, which was an amazing role to take on and I would recommend anyone going out to consider. I did the 10 week placement, which flew by and had I had the money to do so I would of extended! Anyone thinking of doing this placement do it, you will not regret it! life changing amazing experience!
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Posted 9 years ago
I have just returned from my second amazing summer with SLV and would recommend their placements to anyone who wants to experience a new culture whilst making a huge difference to a great community. SLV is such a great organisation who ensures projects are sustainable which is so brilliant to see. The placements allow you to have such a varied experience with so many different projects to get involved with. If you're thinking of volunteering with them, stop thinking and just do it, it will be the best thing you ever do!!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Having volunteered abroad previously with other organisations I can honestly say that SLV are the best overseas volunteer company I have come across. The training you receive on arrival of your placement is very informative and thorough and the volunteer coordinators provide 24 hour support throughout your placement. Also the costs are the cheapest I have come across and you definitely get your monies worth, with your food and homestay costs covered in the fees. The placements are very varied and provide you with a range of skills and experiences such as teaching, working with young people and people with special needs. Living and working in the Sri Lankan community was great too, as I felt like I really got to understand Sri Lankan culture and customs. I enjoyed my time volunteering with SLV so much that I returned as a Volunteer Coordinator last summer. Both roles have given me valuable experiences and have enhanced my CV dramatically. I would recommend SLV to everyone.
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Posted 9 years ago
Volunteering with SLV was one of the best experiences of my life. Having the opportunity to live with a local family and work in all the various settings was incredible. The only things that would have made it slightly better would have been if id had more time to settle in before orientation (arrived late in the evening so no time to buy water bottles etc). I enjoyed working on all the projects and could see how SLV was having a positive change on all of them.
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Posted 9 years ago
Such an organised program! The experience I got with SLV is one in a lifetime and the variety of work available to me has been extremely beneficial towards my future career!
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Posted 9 years ago
Great experience and met so many great people at the projects, local volunteers and international volunteers. Very beautiful country and this programme allowed the opportunity to explore it at the weekends. Had an absolutely amazing team in January and fantastic team leaders, that definitely worked out really really well for my house. Thank you all so much! One thing is that it would have been nice to know a few more specifics before going, as the website was a bit vague and misleading. I didn't really understand the different options of mental health, clinical psychology and occupational therapy etc as it didn't seem to make any difference when we were there and that caused confusion between everyone.
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Posted 9 years ago
I would recommend SLV and especially the psychology placement to anyone looking for an amazing experience both personally and for your CV. I did the psychology placement a year ago and had such a great 3 months and made so many amazing friends. The Sri Lankan's were so friendly and welcoming. My host family were absolutely amazing and I lived with loads of other volunteers which was really fun. Since finishing the placement, jobs I have applied for and suceeded in have been really interested in my experience in Sri Lanka. The placements themselves were varied, fun and challenging. I would definitely recommend doing SLV to anyone looking to enhance their CV and enjoy travelling a gorgeous country at the same time.
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Posted 9 years ago
I did the Graduate Mental Health Placement for 3 months last year. While I was there I worked in the National Institute of Mental Health, which really opened my eyes to the ways in which mental health is viewed outside the UK. It gave me loads of hand-on experience of working in a mental health setting, and helped me get a job when I returned home. I have recommended SLV to many of my friends who have since ended up completing placements.
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Posted 9 years ago
A truly amazing experinece, somthing that has changed me and my persepctive, experience you can not gain in uk opening many doors. well organised with a great team, now in have fallen in love with the country and working with a wider range of adults and disabilities. Waiting to come back.
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Posted 9 years ago
SLV.Global is rated 4.5 based on 191 reviews