ISO 14001 Foundations Online Course Reviews

4.6 Rating 27 Reviews
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Dhinu Rajesh
Verified Reviewer
Great !!!!
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I am a management system expert and consultant in South Africa. I know the standards well (certified lead auditor - IRCA), and present training on SHEQ Management Systems often, as well as related training material. I also carry out audits on behalf of clients. I found this course so far to be excellent. It is straight to the point, and easy to understand. It clarifies the new requirements very clearly. Personally I will continue through the other courses as well. One never knows everything, and there is always more to learn, and getting it from other expert sources is a good way to go about it. I will easily recommend that persons enroll and do these courses. Just on the negative side: There are a few small spelling mistakes that I have noticed so far.
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Siyabu Fadane
Verified Reviewer
this is a great foundational course. the reference material is written in an easy to read and understand language, an aspect that allows for easy understanding, and follow-through. Great work guys! I'd love to see what you can do for the ISO22000 standard.
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