Microsoft Power Point - Advanced Reviews

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Read Appetite for Business Reviews

About Appetite for Business:

Appetite for Business is an award-winning Microsoft silver Partner, specialising in Microsoft 365.

Back in 2016, Sheryl Newman was tired of the grey faceless world of tech at the height of a major recession in the North East of Scotland and the oil and gas sector. She realised the only way to fix this was to create a human centred tech business.

Consequently Appetite for Business was born with a mission to get companies as passionate about Microsoft 365 as we are.

Our purpose? Enabling Ambition & Unlocking Potential.

What we Do:
We support SMEs throughout all stages of the technology adoption journey:
Design and implementation of tailor-made systems,
In-depth training for all users,
Ongoing support (from simple break-fix to complete system optimisations).

Our impact:
Sure, world domination is great, but we care about building a business for good and paying it forward too. These are the core principles upon which Appetite for Business was founded. We are a kind business made up of kind people; in fact kindness is one of our values.

This is only the beginning.

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Davidson House, Campus One, Bridge of Don
AB22 8GT

Gordon Penny
Verified Reviewer
Excellent course, well delivered, very useful for my job role.
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Anne K Scholz
Verified Reviewer
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Zsuzsanna Nemeth
Verified Reviewer
Very good session, really appreciate all the things Steve has taught us. Excellent trainer too, and nice shirt! :)
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Miranda Sheehan
Verified Reviewer
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Tracey Barclay
Verified Reviewer
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Lola Okunrinboye
Verified Reviewer
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Simon Tweedie
Verified Reviewer
Excellent. Only comment would be that where it is a single department, they may have similar issues and a 'pre-meet' or enquiry to focus on key issues ahead of time may be worth while. We did have such an issue and whilst instructor was happy to held (and did ask) at the meeting, we could have perhaps invested more time / got a conclusion if we had the issue been discussed / outlined ahead of the day of the course.
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Excellent course, lots of tips given
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