Fusion Astra 8 Immune Tonic 120 tabs Reviews

5 Rating 11 Reviews
I have taken Astra 8 for around 6 years since i had pneumonia. I used to catch a cold every 6 weeks now i probably get 1-2 a year. I take a maintenance dose of 1-2 tablets a day.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
This amazing product was recommended to me by a naturopath as an immune system booster following viral infections. It has proven itself and I highly recommend it.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
I contracted Guillain-Barre Syndrome 9 years ago which compromised my immune system. Since being recommended Astra 8 to help recover after a bad cold last winter, I picked up and felt really good in a few days. I take it now in the lead up to winter and notice it helps me fight a cold taking hold. It really has been a health saver for me. After a very heavy cold a few weeks ago, I took Fusion Cold & Flu to deal with it before resuming Astra 8. Both products are excellent and always on hand.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 years ago