Tru Earth Organic Wool Dryer Balls Pack of 4 Reviews

4 Rating 1 Reviews
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Dryer Balls work by separating your laundry, allowing the warm air in the tumble dryer to circulate, whilst also absorbing some of the moisture. This helps to reduce drying time, saving you time, energy and money. Simply place all four Dryer Balls into the tumble dryer along with your laundry, and dry as normal (you may need eight Dryer Balls for larger loads).
The first few times you use the Dryer Balls you may want to keep an eye on your tumble dryer. As they reduce the amount of time it takes to dry your laundry, you’ll need to reduce your drying time accordingly to prevent your clothes from over-drying.

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0333 335 5797


I have managed to cut my drying time down to the echo setting which never quite cut it before.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago