Stainless Steel Straws - 3 Piece Set Reviews

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I love straws. I mean, something about sipping from a straw makes everything feel more fun! My mom used to complain about straws - the amount of plastic, the unnecessary thing added to every drink (for the average person not struggling with a disability) - and I used to ignore her as kids tend to do. Then I saw a video of a turtle having a straw removed from it's nose. And I just couldn't enjoy them anymore. Getting a stainless steel straw wasn't hard - but what do you carry it in!? After all, while I love them at home, it's even better to whip it out at a restaurant. It sparks conversation and let's you lead by example! I could not have been more grateful when HH launched this WONDERFUL set! Not only did I get more straws - we've already established I love straws - but I got the simplest carrying case to throw in my purse! Nothing bulky, it's sleek, fits just about anywhere and works. Thank you, Healthy Human for helping me reduce my single-use plastic.
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