Joint Vitality - Advanced joint support 15.00% Off Auto renew Reviews

4.6 Rating 25 Reviews
I have only just started using “Joint Vitality” in the past two weeks in the hope it would help a nagging knee joint problem. I have taken 2 capsules per day for 2 weeks and in the past week have had no problems whatsoever with my knees again. My mobility has improved considerably without any more pain, so I would absolutely recommend “Joint Vitality” to anyone to try.
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Posted 6 years ago
Thanks for an awesome product! Every now and then when I do a lot of computer hours my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome gets excruciatingly painful. Based on your teams' advice -take a high does when the pain is really bad - I taken up to 8 capsules a day and within 7 or 8 days my writs come good again. I also had an bad knee accident in my early teens... and every few years my knee just seizes up. Since I've known about your Joint vitality I just take a heavy does of 8 capsules a day and normally within a week or so my the pain is all gone and I'm back to normal. THANKS!
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Posted 6 years ago
I only took 3 capsules in the morning and the next day I thought "Oh, I haven't even noticed my knees.... it must have been that joint product". Its been so good since I have been taking your joint vitality, my knees don't even hurt. at 61yo that's quite something. Sometimes I forget for a few days, then realise I haven't been taking the capsules because the pain comes back. Thanks
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Posted 6 years ago
Coe Coe Rene'e
Unverified Reviewer
Last year I was very run down, I had a bad knee and could hardly walk. I was very miserable as I've always been an agile and active sixty five year old. I couldn't do my gardening and felt very depressed and I was limping so I couldn't go for walks. Then I took Joint Vitality for six months and it picked me up, I went back to walking and swimming. Then I had an Xray on my knee and the doctor said that my knee was much improved and gave me another ten years before any surgical intervention. So I'll continue using Joint Vitality as I feel these suppliaments will maintain my mobility for years to come. Thanks
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Posted 6 years ago
I purchased two of the Joint Vitality capsules and one of the Muscle and Joint Cream for two ladies who are both suffering from arthritis, they are both currently finishing up their tablets from another brand and will be switching to Joint Vitality once they have - I will look forward to posting here again with their results then. For now, I wanted to write a note to applaud Joint Vitality for their wonderful service - I rang up to see where I could purchase their product in Auckland and found the team truly lovely to deal with, they spoke with me at length over the phone, provided detailed information and were so helpful and genuinely interested - combined with the wonderful reviews I have heard from other people who have been using Joint Vitality, I have no doubt that both ladies I purchased for will benefit tremendously from their Joint Vitality products. Thank you Joint Vitality..!
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Posted 6 years ago
Edward Johnson
Unverified Reviewer
Took way longer than I expected, but it actually worked. THANKS! After 6 months of coming home absolutely wiped out - mainly from the pain I think, I've finally got on top. Last year I had a shocking arthritis attack and to be honest I could hardly walk, it was really effecting my job and had nothing left for my family. I think it was from a sports injury I had 14 years ago. Anyway I was desperate so I took the 6 caps a day for the first bottle, just like your receptionist said, but I didn't notice any difference. By the end of the 4th bottle, however, I was starting to feel like I could cope with life again. it was so expensive I didn't buy any more, but within a few days of running out the pain was back in force. So I got another bottle and within a few days the pain had almost gone again. When I finished the 5th bottle the pain came back a week or 2 later so I got another bottle. By then I was only on 1 cap a day, so the price was more affordable. I now keep a bottle on hand and whenever my knee starts to hurt I take your joint formula for a few days and it comes right. Thanks for helping me to get my life back!
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Posted 6 years ago
I have been suffering from SPD in my pregnancy and I couldn't walk without terrible pain and I had 5 kids I needed to look after. My husband got me onto Pure Vitality's - Joint Vitality and the results amazed me. Where the doctors could only prescribe me drugs and pain killers and tell that I had to stay in bed, Joint Vitality made me able to cope with the pain and moving around. it didn't completely take it away but it helped me survive and get through. Thank you Pure Vitality you have a great product!
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Posted 6 years ago
Paul Pretorius
Unverified Reviewer
To tell you the honest truth, this worked better than any other product I have tried for my knee. It took away the pain. It was better than all the glucosamine and chondroitin products I have tried. One unpleasant thing though was that I experienced some heart burn when taking this product. CEO, Grey District Council
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Posted 6 years ago
Hello Paul, Thanks for your honest feedback. To prevent the heart burn Joint Vitality should be taken with food, ideally fatty food for best results. The heating is created from the Piperine 95% in this formulation which the odd customer can find irritating. Another good way to reduce any heart burn or reflux is take the Joint Vitality capsules just before you go to sleep it. Customers have told us this was really effective. Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any further irritation. All the best with your health, The Team at Pure Vitality
Posted 6 years ago