AniForte PureNature Wild Forest - Wet Food for Dogs, 6 x 400g Reviews

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AniForte PureNature Wild Forest is a tasty and healthy natural dog food which consists of 88% meat, heart, and offal. This is balanced with a mixture of vegetables and other essential ingredients such as Omega-3 and spirulina. Grain-free with no artificial additives, it is tailored to provide your dog with complete satisfaction. Benefits, Ingredients & Instructions Benefits of AniForte PureNature Wild Forest: ✔  Natural dog food with 88% meat ✔ Grain-free and without artificial additives (colourings, flavourings, and preservatives)  ✔ Premium quality manufactured according to the highest food standards ✔ Contains pure, natural Omega-3 extract AniForte PureNature Wild Forest - what's in the tin? AniForte PureNature Wild Forest is a premium quality single protein feed for dogs. It contains 88% fresh heart and offal which are filled into the tin raw and then cooked gently, meeting the highest quality standards. All AniForte PureNature recipes contain various vegetables as well as an extra portion of Omega-3 extract to support a normal cardiovascular system, all of which creates a feed that supports your dog's natural health and wellbeing. Ingredients: 88.2% venison (60.0% from venison heart, venison meat, venison liver, venison lung, venison tripe and 28.2% from venison stock), 2.0% parsley root, 2.0% courgettes, 2.0% sweet potatoes, 1.0% celeriac, 1.0% cranberries, 1.0% pear, 1.0% plum,1.0% chestnut, 0.1% eggshell powder, 0.1% herbs (thyme, rosemary), 0.1% wheat germ oil, 0.1% desiccated coconut, 0.1% spirulina, 0.1% silica, 0.1% omega-3-extract, 0.1% seaweed calcium Analytical Components: 10.1% protein, 6.7% fat content, 2.3% crude ash, 0.6% crude fibre, 75.0% moisture, 0.21% calcium, 0.16% phosphorus Instructions:  Feed approx. 130g-200g per 5 kg of body weight per day. Portion sizes must be adjusted to the animal’s requirements (activity, age, breed, size and health). Serve at room temperature and always ensure that fresh drinking water is available. Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

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Carmel Smith
Verified Reviewer
All meat in this tin, like home made stew but easier!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Great ingredients and happy dog makes for happy owner 
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago