NutraBurst Reviews

4.8 Rating 236 Reviews
Stephanie Peterson
Verified Reviewer
I started taking the Nutrburst on January 17, 2020, and I have noticed a tremendous difference in my legs. Prior to taking the Nutraburst my legs would ache during the evening hours and after sitting for long periods of time. Now the aches are gone, I went a week without the Nutraburst and I won't do that again. I would like to Thank Nairobi for introducing me to this lifesaving multivitamin.
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Posted 4 years ago
Latoija Jones
Verified Reviewer
Ummmm sooooooo I just cleaned out my whole closet for the first time in 3 years. It just changes you’re whole mentality on life.
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Posted 4 years ago
Kayla Hanchett
Verified Reviewer
Love This Product Makes you feel amazing and gives you a Glow !!!!
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Posted 4 years ago
Tamiko Keyes
Verified Reviewer
What can I say Nutraburst has changed my entire famiies lives we are healthier now, my grandsons take it now these little guys are picky about everything that touches there mouths. We could not get my 3 year old grandson to eat after taking just one teaspoon a day he is eating more and getting stronger by the day I will not ever be without my Nutraburst awesome awesome awseome!!
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Posted 4 years ago
Wellness On The Move LLC
Verified Reviewer
Left the house one day without taking it...will never do that again. I noticed such a difference in my energy level but most of all, I was able to go throughout the entire day and have that sluggish feeling at the end of the day. This is an absolutely must daily!!
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Posted 4 years ago
M. Joy Magnus
Verified Reviewer
The best part of waking up is Nutraburst!! It tastes good, gives me energy and all that my body needs daily. Just open, pour and simple as that.
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Posted 4 years ago
Tee Williams
Verified Reviewer
Hi everyone I'm just dropping a few lines to give thanks to Henrietta Shaw Morman Because if it wasn't for her I would not be feeling the way that I feel right now I feel so energized and I just feel so different after trying these products that she recommended to me that I did not know anything about and Henrietta took her time and patience and explained everything that I wanted and needed to know about the CBD tea and Nutriburst. Now I feel like I can push a bulldozer everyday with the energy that I have now thank you again Henrietta way to go I support what you do.keep up the good consultations you really won me over.Tameka
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Posted 4 years ago
Love this Nutra Burst! My whole family takes this. Even the kids! Glad to report they have not gotten sick since we started in January 2019. Now past a year without no Flu's or cold's in our house. Plus they are getting those veggies they don't eat. This really helps with there immunity and we can't be without it. Thanks for a great tasting product.
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Posted 4 years ago