Lion's Mane Mushroom Powder Reviews

4.8 Rating 44 Reviews
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About VidaCap:

We are an American-based creator of medicinal mushroom supplements. Our team has scoured the world to find the best mushrooms. VidaCap products are made from mushrooms carefully cultivated in closed greenhouses. This process allows the skilled growers to properly nourish these organic mushrooms for the entirety of their growth cycle.

As a result, these mushrooms have a similar nutrient composition to their wild-growing counterparts. Our growers use their talent to ensure every batch benefits from a wide array of nourishment, improving their quality. At VidaCap, nothing less than the very best is acceptable for us or our customers.

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Powdered lion's mane is far more powerful than capsules. It's the closes form of a raw mushroom delivered to you. I used to have pretty intense anxiety and depression came along with it. I've tried lion's mane capsules, but they just didn't work for me, not sure why, but the powder is the total opposite. I've been adding the powder to my morning shakes for almost two weeks and the improvements are so noticeable that even my friends compliment me.
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My anxiety symptoms are pretty much unnoticeable - I have none! I used to have panic attacks every day and now I have one every week or two. This is a great supplement and it's a pity people underestimate the power of lion's mane. Don't go for pharm grade meds guys, this is natural and better for you.
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Great stuff really! I prefer the powder since it's easy to put in my coffee - it doesn't taste bad and I feel like it's more potent than capsules. It's literally a super raw form of mushroom.
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I've had anxiety for a long time so you can only imagine how many supplements, treatments and exercise routines I've experimented with, and to be fair one supplement is never enough. I found that combining different treatments works best. I've added Lion's Mane to my supplement list. Lion's Mane actually compliments my exercise routine because it lessens fatigue and speeds up recovery. As a bonus I have little to no anxiety.
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I agree that the taste isn't the kind of taste I'd like to try for pleasure, but it really isn't that bad when the powder is put in smoothies or tea. I prefer powder because I get to control how much of the Lion's Mane I consume every day. So far, I've noticed that my anxiety is non existent and I'm a lot more calm. I feel better socially too.
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Indeed, Lion's Mane has been shown to reduce inflammation in the gut where most of our neurotransmitters are functioning. It also enhances the function of brain neurotransmitters which in turn improves mood, cognition and coordination. I love to take it before my bedtime tea to enhance the brain repairing mechanism while sleeping.
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I have been dealing with daytime drowsiness, lack of energy and brain fog for years. Tried just about every supplement that stated it was great for energy and brain fog but really had no visible improvement. Luckily, I hit the jackpot with Lion's Mane powder! Let me tell you how happy I am now. There's no experiencing energy crashes during the day or wanting to lay down at 3pm. I've only taken the powder for 4 days. First two days were as usual- not much of a change but on the third day I felt that the powder finally kicked in. That made me want to get on my treadmill and walk for 3 hours. After that I vacuumed my house and the energy just kept going for the rest of the day and evening. Next day and day after were the same and every day since. I find myself wanting to do more of things I used to dread doing because of having no energy. No more brain fog. I am alert and in control. So glad I tried this mushroom powder! Can't thank Vidacap enough for making such a wonderful product.
1 Helpful Report
Not sure if the lion's mane powder helped with my cramps but I've been getting less of them since I started taking it. I shoot hoops for 4-5 hours pretty much every day. My cramps got really intense last month. Not sure if that's because of a nutrient deficiency or overtraining but the powder is definitely helping me.
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