FunkkOFF! TeethRefreshers® Reviews

5 Rating 23 Reviews
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About FunkkOFF!® Inc.:

All-in-one resuable (30x) toothpaste + toothpaste to refresh your teeth back to white on-the-go!

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Best product ever!!!! Love it!
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A little goes a long way in keeping your teeth white and breathe fresh! I won't leave home without it.
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This was the best addition to my purse! I love black tea and drink it daily, but it stains my teeth and leaves them feeling funky. Now that I have FunkOFF! I enjoy my tea knowing I can clean my teeth right afterwards.
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Love this! It fits in my purse so easily and works great when I'm drinking red wine. Brilliant!
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Omg, this product is great! No bigger than a lipstick, it’s such a discreet way to combine a toothbrush and toothpaste and refresh teeth after a meal out or after a flight. Wish I had it during my clubbing days!!!
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What a great product! Worked really well and was really useful when I needed it. Highly recommended it. Easy to use and easy to carry around with you.
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This is so great. I have to buy more - one for all my bags.
1 Helpful Report