They can’t get their days that they are open correct. I made an appointment for Sept. 4, Labor Day online. After paying and receiving a confirmation that I had scheduled an appointment, I then received an email saying the warehouse was closed. I tried contacting customer service through a phone call, chat, text message and a voicemail. My appointment time came and went. In ALL of the ways to communicate that you would be closed, it was not done. After calling again on Tuesday, I finally got ahold of a live agent, and I requested an appointment for 3 PM that day, because I was at work and my car’s dead battery was sitting in my driveway and I needed to get home at a specific time. Imagine my surprise when I received a call at 1 :20 PM that a technician was at my house. I spoke with him and explained the situation, and gave him the code to the keyless entry. He assured me that I did not need to be there and that he would send pictures through the app. I went to check back later and I saw a message that the service was not completed. So I then had to call yet again, and where I learned that it was because HE DIDN’T HAVE A BATTERY. At this point , I had to leave work to get home at rush hour, so that I could head back to work at rush hour. I scheduled my work and paid for extra childcare because I thought that I would have this done on Monday and would be able to stay on Tuesday. If I had known that, I would have not spent the extra money and done things differently. The biggest being that I would have not used this service. I hope that I see a partial refund hit my checking account, but given the lack of customer service and attention to basic open hours I have experienced I don’t think that it will be forth coming.
10 months ago
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