Terrible service. Last night I landed in Belfast slightly later than usual due to a low visibility landing and got out to the bus area later than usual. I purchased a ticket for 22:35(26/11/2023) and had to hurry out(22:36) but made it to the depot area and I could see that the bus had only moved slighted just in front of the airport and the bus hasn’t even past me. I waved at the driver and he looked directly at me and gave me a dirty look and said, “ no chance” and shook his head then drove on. I was then stranded in the airport for two hours in the cold. I have never had this experience with airporter/ Aircoach and I have used this service frequently for years. It’s a question of principle and that driver clearly didn’t care at all. I have would normally never complain but I just thought I would let you know of this bad experience I’ve had. The driver that arrived two hours later 00:35 was very friendly and polite
7 months ago
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