I was ordering at the till when the only staff, a tall girl with dark and very bright pink hair, rude, left to talk to a young woman who was seated with her friends. The woman was taking pictures of the frames on the wall. It was 7h30 in the morning. Week day. Empty room. The place was dirty with food on the floor. The waitress shouted "you can't take pictures in here, it's not allowed". The woman had her mask on and asked why she couldn't as she does it for Instagram and never had any trouble here in doing so. The waitress had no mask and went closer to the woman's head and said something like : I work here, I don't know why you talk back to me! You work here? No! I do! They should have said (the other members of staff) to you you can't take pictures in here!". The young woman said "that's ok no worries I heard you" then went back to her friends. I finally had my coffee when the waitress shouted over the till, to the young woman who was minding her own business "yeah yeah you can talk about it as much as you like if you're not happy you can go elsewhere!" That was so rude! People who came in by that time all saw this. Shame on her. I will never go back again when that member of staff serves. Ever. I have to mention that the young woman was black. I hope it has nothing to do with it but its worth mentioning.
3 years ago
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