I am a type II diabetic and have been for many years. After doing some on-line research I decided to try CuraLin. When you compare the price of Novolin 70/30 to the cost of CuraLin, Curalin will save you hundreds or if you use both Lantus and Novolin, thousands of dollars. Everyone is different, but for me, it took exactly three days to see a MAJOR difference. I had not tested at 88 in the morning since I had been on the keto diet two years ago. One thing the keto diet did for me was to get the Lantus monkey off my back. However I still used Novolin 4 X daily - until I found CuraLin. My high numbers are now under 200 and I use a LOT less Novolin to control them. I have only used Curalin for 4 days, but it has worked like a charm for me. Did a little test last night and was even able to have some rice with dinner and it still kept my number from skyrocketing. I am both happy and hopeful that this will continue and improve over time. I am curious about one thing - has anyone been able to totally get off insulin using CuraLin?
3 years ago
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