I used Curology products for almost a year and had 2 prescription changes during my time with them. I am very concerned by the fact the dermatologists here completely misdiagnosed and misprescibed my skin issue. I went to a local allergist and dermatologist after a really bad reaction to the products and they both immediately concluded I have acne rosacea (when you use the wrong products, acne rosacea symptoms worsen). Not once was that even considered by any of the providers here. Had I known I had this condition I never would have used an online acne care provider. I have constantly been tossed around between 6 different providers every time I ask a question, I've only ever talked with my actual original provider twice in the past year. I was constantly messaging because my skin was burning and flaking and getting super dry and red and all they could give me was a copy/paste script of what to do when you start a new prescription, even when I had been using my prescription for 4+ months. Their only solution to problems is to stick to the script or change your prescription. Finally when I unsubscribed and told them why, all they could say was yeah your dermatologist had the advantage of seeing you in person. No apology or anything, just a cop-out excuse relieving themselves of any responsibility. I always took good quality (iPhone 11), up-close photos of the problem areas and they still never figured out my issue. Half of their marketing is highlighting that they don't have to see you in person, you can get affordable, personalized care from the comfort of your home. All the allergist and dermatologist had to do was pull down my mask for 5 seconds and they immediately had an answer. They would've had the same diagnosis with a telehealth visit. It does not take a thorough examination to diagnose acne rosacea. If you think you have rosacea and are having burning, redness, itching, dryness, etc., don't cut corners or opt for online care just because it's easy, please go see an in-person dermatologist. Curology will only make your condition worse over time, and they will not treat you for it.
2 years ago
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