My only current issue with GA is that my blackbox seems to only consider lower scores. My bb score per journey rarely if at all drops past a certain benchmark but over the weeks it continuously drops despite my individual journey scores not decreasing. Even when I drive near perfectly my score doesn’t improve. And I always always lose a point when I drive on the motorway which is impossible to avoid because of where I live and where I go to uni. I’m a student and I can’t afford to have my insurance cancelled because of “bad driving” where it isn’t even the case. I went with them because they’re cheap and I anticipated no issues but the lack of accuracy on this blackbox is an issue waiting to happen. And obviously there’s no phone to call them on or an alternative blackbox they can install so I don’t even know what to do or if I can get help. It’s frustrating because I’m not looking to cancel I just want a fairer blackbox so I can finish out my contract and shop elsewhere come renewal time.
4 years ago
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