Joanna C
A table we can now all eat around, without the need to pull in a few random chairs! Thinking about family traditions, eating as a family, everyday is certainly one of them. Eating has always been a family affair, food has always brought us all together. For as long as I can remember we always, without fail, sat and had a family meal in the evenings... So, the tradition away from family we don't get everyone sat around the table as often as we would like but now when we do, we can do it comfortably 😍😊💗. I always like to support small, ethical and sustainable businesses when I can and Hemming and Wills have been absolutely excellent. Beautiful craftsmanship and fantastic customer service. Thank you so much to @hemmingandwills for the gorgeous handmade, UK made, sustainably sourced table, bench and Charles Eames chairs @charleseames Dinners at mine 😊😊😊💗
2 years ago
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