The 'honest' feedback was useless considering the reader HHM didn't read all the pages + he expected it to conform to his 'self-made' formulas of how a script must be written which is absurd. It was classic case of readers expecting the script's story beats to literally unfold exactly 100% to their terms/ rules/ page-touchstones. They'll deny resorting to that of cos and instead likely claim that it's a sure fire way to win a contest - if this method is so magical then they wouldn't even still be readers and they'd literally be inside the hollywood walls, doing REAL films. But to get down to it, I'm dissatisfied with the reader for clearly not understanding the material coz he clearly cheated by skipping pages and doesn't know the genre at all well and resorts to a very obvious overly rigid formulas on how to get through a script, resulting in useless notes expecting u to write to how he prefers it lime he's the boss. I've read feedback from numerous readers fr years and I'm at a point where it's clear this guy uses a lot of formulas. And one clearly being that he ignorantly assumes that the road to a great script is that everything must be connected to the opening and nothing, absolutely nothing, can ever be introduced outside of the opening coz he thinks if it's not related to it, it fails instantly... even though some elements introduced later ARE in fact connected but in ways he clearly can't figure out. And that's his real problem - so overly reliant of his rules/ formulas that he can't see outside of his own peripheral vision. I love how his opening sentence has the word 'inventive script', which he then later contradicts. Same with the ending - he basically called it 'good' only to then say it wasn't, as you read on. If you don't mean it, don't write it! So many crappy 'readers' resort to this hypocrisy. You also have the usual thing of him not proofreading his own feedback and also skipping my script pages coz he's just too lazy halfway. As a result, it's kinda hilarious that the reader blames the writer for things not making sense when clearly the fault is his for deliberately skipping/ cheating. I bet he even uses lots of "CTRL + F" too - the very definition of lazy idiots who frankly deserve the boot! If I had to guess, I'd say this individual must have started reading when he was in some numbed stressed-out, closed-box state without allowing his mind to be open or even 'think', coz apparently he expected all details to be spoon-fed every single step of the way without giving things a first thought (no, not second, but first!). When I said I spent 2 years working on it, he assumed it meant only draft 1. The notion that I might have rewritten it countless times with lots of feedback from others over that period never once occurred to him, or even perhaps that he might have been receiving draft number 15? He even wastes a whole page bragging that he can write 10 pages a day in finish a script in 15 days. Anyone with a brain knows no solid script can be written that way! What also lost me is when he mis-wrote my number of pages. How many scripts has this guy read? Everyone knows when you look at a pdf page count, it means you must minus 1 page from it. Is this guy a pro or apparently he doesn't care about what he writes? Clearly not and this was just a paycheck for him to knock off and go home fast. I asked for honest feedback, not malice and condescension. Going back to him lacking imagination, I can clearly tell the horror genre isn't this reader's cup of tea AT ALL & clearly only chose to watch certain horror titles JUST coz he has to stay current, not coz he loves it. It's apparent when his notes give no reference or examples to other horror films as guidance - merely mentioning their titles tells us nothing. He obviously has no inkling that horror requires some degree of imagination & bcoz I chose not to spell things out/ giving all the answers right away, or I chose to have things be at first mysterious & to deliberately let the reader piece things together, he instantly assumed it means the writer doesn't know what the pages are talking about. Luckily for me, some readers got it, but he clearly/ stupidly did not. Again, he expected things to be spoon-fed right away, full answers rightaway, claiming it's for clarity... bcoz if something isn't written exactly how he prefers, he can't think. I wasn't even writing abstract stuff. What ever happened to letting readers piece things together bcoz you are respecting their intelligence? The answers were there and he just sped through missing them coz apparently things can only be written one way for him. What I've come to learn over the years is when a reader doesn't get your story, they won't get ANYTHING at all and their mind starts to not pay attention as they go, hence, they'll criticize your script for plot holes when in fact it's coz they didn't read properly... and the fact they will skip pages & blame u when something doesn't make sense. In turn, everything to them will feel like a disaster, made even more apparent in their rubbish notes/ suggestions... and boy were they just that! I can appreciate the honesty which is what i asked for but it's all useless if the script isn't something he can grasp at all coz it's not his thing at all. The biggest laugh is he at the end rated me as a 'low consider' which is above 'pass' - I'm gonna take that as a typo on his end coz what he wrote 100% doesn't connect to said verdict AT ALL... unless the script was maybe being read by 2 (or 3?) different people which could explain some erratic/ abnormal reactions. If that's what happened, I'd fire them! Overall, just my luck this reader HHM is one of those so overly inundated with self-righteous/ self-made formulas/ rules that if any script deviates from this 'perfect' bible of his, you're screwed automatically! Something for em' to think about, hopefully. Well, so much for $195.
3 months ago
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