Having been doing this international dating thing off and on for 14 years, I can truthfully say Lovefort is a questionable website. I am in my late 60s and specifically stated in my profile I will consider no women under the age of 40, yet I still get interest generated by young women, some that are as young as 19! Many of the messages I get are ridiculous, one line comments, such as, “Do you know the Big Dipper” or “How long has it been since you last cried?” or “If you had the opportunity to be reincarnated as a famous actor, who would you reincarnate as?” or “Do you think dessert is the best part of dinner?” The reason for this is obvious...the website wants you to buy credits to respond to these silly comments. When I signed up for this website, I was given 20 complimentary credits. After using them up, I purchased 20 more credits for $2.99. When sending a message, it costs 2 credits and that is good for 300 characters, and I used it right up to the limit by using all 300 characters, so I got my money’s worth out of each message. I corresponded with a 44 year old woman, but this lady sent me short one-liners. On one occasion, she blew me off by telling me she was watching the Miss Universe Pageant. I guess that was more important that corresponding with me. She lives in Florida, and on three occasions I asked her where she was originally from and what brought her to America. She never asnwered me. I corresponded with a 46 year old woman whose profile stated she had never been married, yet it was obvious she was wearing a wedding ring/band. I did correspond with a 54 year old woman and she seemed genuine. Her responses were longer and she responded to my questions. We exchanged messages a few times. The older women seem to be more genuine and real. Then I keep getting emails from the website, stating, “It’s time to choose a favorite and start a chat”. Translation...It’s time to choose a favorite and start spending money. Back in 2014, I corresponded with a young Vietnamese woman on an Asian dating website (iDateAsia, since renamed to AsiaMe). She was very attractive and had very long hair. I spent a lot of money (credits) exchanging letters and made a few phone calls via the website, and those costs (credits) can add up fast. She seemed interested, so I flew to Ho Chi Minh City to meet her. I did meet her, but it was a bust. She told me I was not her type. Okay. I can accept that. We became friends and continued to follow each other on Facebook. Since our meeting, she got pregnant five years ago and had a daughter, though she still is not married. A short time ago she shaved all her hair off. She looks like a boy, yet the website I met her on still shows her old photos with her hair very long and her profile stating she has no kids. So why won’t the website update her photos and information? Easy. Because they want men to continue to write to her and spend more credits, thinking she is attractive, has very long hair and has no kids. Nothing could be further from the truth. These websites that make you buy credits to correspond with women are the worst and are phony. They will drag it out to suck you dry, keeping you buying more credits and emptying your wallet. That’s why these women send you short, one line statements so you can respond back and use more ceredits. Then you have to pay more credits to get their contact information, such as their email address. And, as I have found out, the email address is phony. You are corresponding with a translator, not the lady. The better websites are the ones where you subscribe to their services by paying a monthly fee for unlimited contacts, and there are some decent ones. You also need to use Skype and a webcam so both of you can see each other.
2 years ago
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