I'm in disbelief that these people are allowed to treat people this way and stay accredited. Please never trust these people with your money. their own staff are trained to fob and lie to customers. Their supposedly amazing customer service has disappeared, this is what drew me to them 7 years ago when I switched. Big mistake, I have since learned the smiles are there to mask the lack of willingness and ability to actually help the customer with any solutions. And after tonight's interaction I can see that they have given up bothering with the niceties too. The straw that has just broken the camel's back for me is that I have just called in the middle of the night as I have been ripped off by a faulty cash machine and was treated so awfully by their representative named KWAME from the card security team, who did nothing at all to help and tried to fob me off the phone. Obviously anxious, I asked him to leave a note on my account so that when i call tomorrow this can be verified as I cant afford to lose the £70 through lack of detail, I practically had to beg him for this, i then realised it was because he couldn't be bothered to go through security with me to actually access my account despite speaking as though he knew who i was and had my account open in front of him. When he reluctantly does so, he says he has left a note on my account and starts talking about a "cash advance" something i have never heard of and had nothing to do with my enquiry, he then retracts his statement and repeats back my predicament in minimal detail I then asked him if he could record that I asked him to note the cash machine's postcode. He tells me he can't do this and this is not how it's done or how he was trained. HE told me that the cash machines details are already recorded on the system and that he has the postcode in front of him, I tell him that i just want to be able to verify that i have made contact as soon as i possibly could to which he got aggressive and impatient. I ask him to read back the postcode he has in front of him to check it is the same as the one i got from the premises he then starts stuttering as he has been caught in yet another a LIE, the postcode was not there and he refused to note it on the account. at this point I ask to speak to his supervisor, he tells me there is no supervisor on the floor, so I ask him how I make sure his supervisor will know that it is he that i am talking about when i complain or call back in the morning. He claims that his details are on my account, he gave me no verifiable information for the follow up, I ask him if calls are recorded and he said yes and you can request that recording, so I do and it turns out that was a lie too. At this point im both irate and worried for my finances in the middle of the night. I asked him for his supervisors name, he refused, so I tell him what I have noted from the phone call so I know what to say when i call tomorrow and he hung up on me, leaing me wondering how will I survive if this goes wrong. I'm shaken and worried about my finances, the machine has taken £70 from my account and not dispensed the cash, this is a lot of money to me so I made sure to call the bank as soon as I got home, after checking my banking as i can see the transaction and that my balance has gone down. That money pays all of my utilities/ bills and my weeks food for both me and my disabled mum, in fact i take it out in cash so that I know to be careful and not overspend which is easier if you physically have the cash in front of you and can see how little you have left after each purchase. I honestly don't know what I will do if this money is not returned quickly. Please do not trust these people and let them put you and your family in this much uncertainty, distress and be treated so poorly.
2 years ago
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