James D
This company is doing really awesome things. Vestibular stimulation is seriously promising, under-rated, and offers even greater future hope in promoting sleep quality, craving reduction, and set-point reduction (and corresponding improvements in leptin and ghrelin, insulin response etc.). Modius' customer service is superb (Vanessa). Whilst I didn't keep the device after the 90 day trial (because of taking up daily personal training, travel, and commitments elsewhere, -I needed a hammer intervention), it definitely works in terms of sleep quality, meditative feelings, reduction in cravings, and ultimately weight loss (I could put a few pounds down to it despite very intermittent use). It can also give you pretty bad headaches occasionally - but when they're self induced, it feels more like a post-workout muscle burn for the brain. No pain, no gain? Any problems (in my case battery) were resolved super quickly by the very competent team in Belfast. If you are overweight, at least give this a go! I have continuously struggled with my weight (morbidly obese at 10 years old and weighed as many stone) and in the last few years gone from 15 stone and fat to 12.5 stone and ripped, by no means because of this device, but I do know what works and what doesn't -obsessed to the extent of reading a book a fortnight on anything and everything nutrition, diet, and exercise related for the last few years (Recommend The Secret Life of Fat, The Obesity Code, and skimming the Lancet); For men: low carbs and intense strength training must be the pinnacle (add in cardio if you enjoy it or female under 1200 cals). But this device could prove a magic bullet. I've also had a PhD Cybernetics academic (okay also my father!) give it a thorough checking through who has examined the research. We suspect it could be a big tipping point for certain individuals. Exciting future ahead. I really would say to give this a go if you want results that are game-changing compared with the years one can spend getting disappointing results. The future in the realm of this sort of tech is bright!
5 years ago
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