Having seen the deterioration of this area from very low staff levels to the eating area within the New Brighton Store, not being cleared and cleaned properly, down to the quality and standard of food being served, is a long way from being satisfactory. The youngsters operating the till have usually to also make and serve the tea and coffee to people requesting a drink with their meal. Whilst tending to this. The queue slowly gets longer for the next customer to be served, this system then just escalates with each customer. I have witnessed the staff member on the till also clearing tables and serving food in top of taking orders and making the hot drinks. ❓ People walk away rather than wait. Depending on what food you order many times it arrives either cool/cold or just overcooked. On a number of occasions I have obtained refunds as the food was inedible. Give the young staff their due they try their best, but with such low staff levels and what appears to be a lack of management leadership or guidence I can not see the place improving anytime soon. It needs a drastic overhaul and simple staffing remedies. I know I am not the only person with similar concerns relating to this area of this particular store. I have tried over a long period of months to see if things improved. Sadly it seems to have got even worse if that was possible. From being very regular customers, over considerable time, we are not using the facility any longer for the reasons highlighted. A visit this last week saw no improvement at all and the meal was again far below standard and we left the majority of it. I hope this is taken as constructive and things improve. 🤔
7 months ago
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