The negative reviews on here are representative of my own experiences with 02. Their mobile service is very patchy and the line has a bad habit of cutting out when you get through to customer services or if you are calling other companies. The 02 staff are in out of the uk call centres and this can be frustrating as you not only have contend with patchy sound quality from the poor quality headsets used by them, but also you can be left having to ask them to clarify or repeat what they have said due to their accents. They do try to sound friendly over the phone, however that is little consolation when set against the poor quality of 02s service. We were switched to 02 by virgin mobile. After many months We have sadly given up on expecting a decent service and are now actively in the process of abandoning them (something which we shoild have done sooner) My honest advice is to try other providers before considering 02
5 months ago
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