Dorothy Kirkbride
On arriving back at Newcastle Airport I phoned the Park and Fly phone number as we were staying at the Premier Inn the night before we flew so needed to check exactly where to wait for the bus to pick us up. Twenty minutes later we decided it was a waste of time so set of to walk to the Car park. On finally arriving there lugging our cases I was told by one gentleman there was no such flight as the one I said we were on!!! Eventually he found us and said oh all the other passengers on that flight have been collected (these names were all crossed off with a highlighter pen) but my name was still there, we had been delayed as one of our cases was next to last off the carousel. He said oh I apologise, gave me the car keys and told me where to find it. As I left the building there was laughter from the other 3 or 4 people that were also in the room, no doubt ribbing the gentleman that had been dealing with me. I was absolutely furious but also very upset so didn't return to challenge them. On the whole a very nasty experience I would not wish to repeat. After a very enjoyable holiday this was not what I was expecting from Park and Fly.
10 years ago
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