Meg Lydeamore
I have had a relationship with Streetfleet for the period of 6 years. Over that time, I have witnessed this company provide excellent customer service, work seamlessly together with other departments and even companies (eg registration, servicing etc) where outside companies have stated “we never have any problems with Streetfleet” - Midas Salisbury. Whilst I realise it takes many to run a village, I would like to highlight Tina and Sally who have continued to look after me across the years and answer all my questions so quickly. They have shown me kindness, humour and total professionalism. No query or question was ever a bother or problem for them. They were excellent in keeping me updated every single step of this journey including multiple options at the end of my 5 year lease…which turned into 6 due to some changes in my working hours so that was brilliant, as they gave me more time to complete my contract. I absolutely and confidently recommend Tina, Sally and Streetfleet to anyone thinking about this. Thank you is not enough, but thank you!
1 year ago
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