Scammers - Been getting refurbished phones from this company for about a decade and any issues which there generally always are, have always been resolved however on this occassion I was sold a faulty Note 10 which unfortunately I happened to create a tiny crack in which CEX are leaning on to avoid honouring their warranty. I don't think it is acceptable for a massive global company to be selling faulty phones and then refusing to honour their warranty after only 2 months of use. This was a £400 phone. Absolutely vile behaviour. The baldy autist behind the counter even had the effrontery to give me some software to try and get me to repair the faulty firmware myself. The kid didn't even try to ascertain what actually caused the phone to die, just lent on the cosmetic crack at the back, which no air can breach. Embarrassing service from a joke company.
2 years ago
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