Monty Benton
The WPMUDEV HERO tonight takes on a different view than some of my other compliments but conveys my feeling toward the continual amazement they deliver in my eyes any time I ask for help. So just less than an hour ago in Texas, I was experiencing the vilest terror I had faced in years as my website, was completely out of control, and heading towards a cliff, when Rupok, my Tech appeared and Grabbed the reins out of my hands like Indiana Jones would have done, and it was at that time I noticed with all the bouncing and high speed jarring the wagon, i.e., my website was experiencing that I could see he was wearing a cape of some sort. He fixed the problem, after which I said, "you could have just flown", he replied, "It scares the horses at times, and the small kids, so I hold back from that, just as all the staff here at WPMUDEV does. Our egos don't need that as long as a courteous thank you is felt at the end, we are ok with providing the great service clients come to expect here." And with that, he blasted off so fast, he covered me in the dust because of the acceleration of the takeoff. But I just smiled. and said "WOW!" Monty B.
3 years ago
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