Every seller on aliexpress is using all these kinds of fraudulent activities that are mentioned on the above mentioned link and when as a buyer you want to complaint about these activities you don’t have any way to complaint about such seller/product. I think Aliexpress knows all and put his eye shut on this. I am using Aliexpress for more then 10 years and my initial use it is not very difficult to search any product and relevancy with price of that product. But now a days very difficult to search any product. When you search for any product, search result came on screen with images and prices and when you select to open further any of the product from that search result, it comes to know that seller has put lot of different parts for that products by using product attributes option and much huge difference in price then you come to know that actual product and price have very much difference. For example you have searched on Aliexpress by using keywords “tuya smart wifi temperature switch and result came on your screen you have filtered the result with price descending order and you have select a product with price of 1.8 USD and first image shown with these search result and you think that price and image seems to quit reasonable for that product in this price range. But when you click that product it comes to know that seller has put 1.8 USD for just remote came with that product and actual product you have seen in picture is for 14.06 USD. what is the purpose of search result and online left behind when Aliexpress is offering this kind of services to its customer? My Question with Aliexpress is that what is the purpose of remote without product? Why seller has put the price of just remote while using actual image of product in search result. I have seen a seller who have mentioned a price with an image when I have opened that product’s link it comes to know that price mentioned at search result is of just cover box of the actual product. I think in future Aliexpress will show price of product’s packing on their websites….
3 months ago
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