1cares.com Reviews

5.0 Rating 24 Reviews
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The drivers arrived on time and were professional and courteous. They helped us to visit a certain area and were accommodating to a last minute change. I would highly recommend 1cares.com for travel around Provence.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I highly recommend ICARE.COM. We spent one day in Europe and they helped us a lot to arrange a car with driver. Before our trip, their feedback through email was very fast even if we have a time gap between Asia and Europe. We will still use 1CARE.COM's service next time for our trip.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
1Cares was amazing! They helped us arrange a tour to the French town from which my family emigrated to the United States in the 1800's. Based on the scant family information we had, the customer service representative helped us pinpoint the location, and our driver facilitated a visit to the actual site where my ancestors lived. They helped provide the exerience of a lifetime, and I am so grateful to them! I appreciated their helpfulness, prompt responses, and professional service. While they delivered exactly what was agreed upon (type of car, English speaking driver, fee, etc.,) they went above and beyond in service! They do not provide guided tours, but I would highly recommend them to anyone who is planning a customized driving tour.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
1cares.com is rated 5.0 based on 24 reviews