“They stole my money and didn’t send any products. No package nothing. Don’t order from these crooks. Instead I recommend EdwardMunch.Is he always delivers without issues. I recommend Edward.”
“Total scam. Don’t send them any money you won’t get any products from them. They are nothing else than crooks. Instead Contact edwardmunch.com he’s the real deal. I’ve received many orders from Edward without any issues at all.”
“Typical comment by scammers who advertise based on anti-advertising against other companies. Guys, these kind of moves are no longer valid :))
By the way, you can post pictures, screenshots here. Please post an order made on this site with your data. One capture with the order, another with the payment made. You can you actually post some captures from the email conversation you had with them. Let's see.
You are pathetic. Guys check the reviews of this site here https://1gearshop.com/testimonials directly from satisfied customers. Don't be fooled. 1gearshop.com is a reliable store with fast customer service.”
“Don’t order anything from these people they are scumbags and you will never get any products from them. The only trustworthy seller is JonathanWilliam.us contact him and ask for a price list. I’ve received many orders from him successfully. ”
“Don’t order anything from these people they are scumbags and you will never get any products from them. The only trustworthy seller is JonathanWilliam.us contact him and ask for a price list. I’ve received many orders from him successfully. ”
“They ripped me off and disappeared with my hard earned money. They never sent me any products. After that I found a legit seller kyleduncan.is and I’m getting all my products from him now successfully.”