“It was good. The material is presented clearly, I liked that there are useful tables and graphs. But I was missing only one thing, it would be great to add a forum for communication with other students in the course.”
“I took the course a year ago and still go back to the notes I wrote out from the course. They remain relevant and help me continually improve my skills. Thanks for the experience”
“I have been trading for 4 years without much success...
I was very lucky that my friend advised me to join here, it was great to be on this course... I've learned so much about trading, I've realised where I went wrong before and now it's starting to make complete sense... I look forward to coming back to you again...”
“I joined the course 3 months ago..... What I liked about it was the convenience of having video lessons and being able to study at any time... However there were some downsides. Occasionally the site did not function properly and support didn't respond promptly...... Additionally I found that the course covered topics I was already familiar with and I wished there was more new information included.........”
“¡Increíble! Aunque terminé mis estudios hace un tiempo todavía consulto algunos libros electrónicos. 👀
Creo que esto es un fuerte indicador de practicidad.👏🏾”
“I've recently completed the fundamental course here and the most captivating part for me was the segment concerning investment accounts and taxation. It genuinely assisted me in comprehending the implications of taxes on investment earnings and in making an educated choice about the types of accounts that best suit my needs.
Given that I've only tried the basic plan, it's the one I can confidently endorse. It can certainly serve as a valuable resource for individuals looking to expand their knowledge of finance.”
“the only hiccup I faced was that I couldn't download materials to my computer. ended up studying them in the student's office. no big deal but it would be better to fix it.”
“Det er muligt, at min anmeldelse bliver omfattende, men jeg ønsker at give en detaljeret beskrivelse af, hvordan tingene udviklede sig. For det første vil jeg gerne vurdere min oplevelse af at interagere med lederen. Dette var en af de sjældne tilfælde, hvor nogle råd fik mig til at ændre min beslutning. Oprindeligt ønskede jeg at købe et dyrere træningskursus, men efter at have diskuteret min tidligere erfaring med lederen blev jeg overbevist om, at det ville være bedre at genbesøge nogle emner på grund af huller i min forståelse. Selvom jeg var tøvende med at betale to gange, tror jeg, at jeg traf den korrekte beslutning. Nu går jeg videre og vil diskutere min oplevelse med selve kurset. Jeg har haft interesse for handel i et stykke tid, men jeg var imponeret over kvaliteten af det indhold, der blev leveret, især oplysningerne om grundlæggende analyse, som jeg fandt særligt nyttige. På trods af min præference for tal blev materialet præsenteret på en måde, der var yderst anvendelig for realistiske handelsscenarioer. De quizzer og opgaver, der fulgte, mindede om interaktiv læring, hvilket jeg mener blev udført godt, med tanke på at alt fandt sted online. Jeg giver trygt dette en høj score.”