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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I needed the right hacker to help hack into my husbands phone, he claimed to have extended working hours and meetings at odd hours and never shows up for his sons football games. We have kids together for christ sake and I needed to find out what actually going on with our marriage, my husband is not rich we are just living averagely so I contacted this hacker Remedy Hacker to help get into his phone to enable me monitor his phone activities and location, for the first time in my life I was able to see through my husband’s phone conversations. I am filing for a divorce, good luck to those being patient. (REMEDYHACKER1@GMAIL.COM)
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Posted 1 year ago
We can’t forget CYBER CREDIT GURU in a hurry. My husband was declared bankruptcy in 2019 (and we later on realized that the mobile home in which we lived was included). While I had a debt of $26k and about 9 negative items on my report. As a result, we couldn’t get a mortgage until we had our reports fixed. We were frustrated, there was absolutely nothing we could do until we encountered CYBERCREDITGURU (AT) GMAIL DOT COM / +1 (650) 439 0624 via a positive review about them on a blog. Today we are in a house of our own, all negative items removed and score raised from 430, 470 respectively to 782 each in 6 days. Thanks to team CyberGuru!
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Posted 1 year ago
We can’t forget CYBER CREDIT GURU in a hurry. My husband was declared bankruptcy in 2019 (and we later on realized that the mobile home in which we lived was included). While I had a debt of $26k and about 9 negative items on my report. As a result, we couldn’t get a mortgage until we had our reports fixed. We were frustrated, there was absolutely nothing we could do until we encountered CYBERCREDITGURU (AT) GMAIL DOT COM / +1 (650) 439 0624 via a positive review about them on a blog. Today we are in a house of our own, all negative items removed and score raised from 430, 470 respectively to 782 each in 6 days. Thanks to team CyberGuru!
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Posted 1 year ago
Well I fixed my credit and got rid of my debts with the help of XAP Credit Solution whom a trusted colleague recommended and he did a perfect job increasing my credit about 210 points in a few business days. My score is amazingly at its high 780’s now and all debts and inquiries are gone & I’ve never been this happy. I refer this hacker to those who have a fixed date to fix their profile. Text XAP on +1 (801) 988 9890. Tell him Justin Lemme referred you. You can also reach him via XAPCREDITSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM.
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Posted 1 year ago
I have been into tech for a while now and I can confidently say mobile penetration is one of the most difficult task when try to monitor someone. Getting the right method or hacker guarantees your success in getting into that persons phone you are trying to monitor, be it your Kid, spouse or workers. After lots of research trying to fish out the best hackers currently, I confidently recommend REMEDYHACKER1@GMAIL.COM this is the best hacker currently online, he specialises on Mobile hacking and database penetration such as increasing your school grades from any school grading portal.
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Posted 1 year ago
I’m Michelle Aldrich i live in Colorado, My credit score was bad and desperately in need of a loan but I won't be able to get the loan due to my credit score. I read several reviews about Frank Even-Teri Credit Repair and He help me raise my credit score to 800 in a couple of days. He remove all negative items and also got approved of mortgage loan within few days. Want the same help? Contact frankeventericreditrepair @ gmail . com or @ HackbyFrank on Telegram.
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Posted 1 year ago
I know an organization who have private investigators for hire who can help you get into your spouse’s phones,emails remotely from your phone they can also help you with your * credit score * clearing of criminal record *increasing of school grades and any thing that has to do with hacking etc You can confirm for yourself from their email so you can also give your testimony Whatsapp No: +14106350697
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Posted 1 year ago
I recently apologised to my wife for suspecting and accusing her of cheating thinking she was having an affair with my cousin, I apologised to both of them after hacking both phones and discovering I was wrong with my judgment. I know words alone can’t take back my actions but at least I cleared my doubts and I can finally live with content. Actually commenting on this to let y’all know Remedy hacker is good at hacking and giving remote access to any device, this was how I was able to monitor both devices for two months without their knowledge, if you need to clarify the situation in your relationship or monitor your employees you can reach out to him through this email REMEDYHACKER1@GMAIL.COM
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Posted 1 year ago
Just reading up peoples comment here and its reminds me of Melvin, a credit card specialist who really helped me last year to boost up my credit score, i feel i'do be good sharing my own testimony as well helping someone else who’s in need, Melvin was really at an expert level on this credit score upgrade, he was able to boost my credit scores and permanently erase all negativities, he did this job just within a week or so if i can remember and later ask me not apply for loan till after 28days.. i did as i was directed and it really worked out for me, i referred my sister to him earlier this year and she came back with her testimony too, reach out to his contact address ( S W A N H A C K S @ G M A I L . C O M ) if in need of such assistance.
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Posted 1 year ago
Why waste your time with unprofessional hackers when Aaron Swartz can fixed your credit report without no traces? He has helped various clients to recover lost Bitcoin and He help to remove all hard inquiries, as well as, deleted all negative items on my report. Beyond every reasonable doubt, He’s the best out there.  I totally recommend him for any Job. AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES at GMAIL dot COM
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Posted 1 year ago
You need to be careful out there with who you get to trust with your credentials to help you fix your credit , most of them will try to give you the best deals just for them to get your details and use it against you later on , I was unlucky the very first time I tried to work with a credit hacker and ever since then I was careful enough and finally got my credit report fixed and same goes with my credit score with the aid of CLASSICREPAIR4U@GMAIL.COM and can do the same for you if you reach out to him through email , very responsive and trustworthy .
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I got an email from Experian saying my score went up, so I decided to check my scores on Credit Karma and my scores has dropped 56 points from 600 to 544. I went to check what happened and there’s no changes listed. Now I just feel defeated. I just don’t want to bother anymore. I’ve been keeping my credit use under 30%, paying my card off every month, been setting all my bills up for auto pay. I’ve been trying so hard and it’s all for nothing. Thank to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who came through for me. I’ve been working so hard with them to rebuild my credit, and seeing that score goes up again, that made me so proud. Within 5 days of working with PINNACLE they increased my score to TU 819, EX 810, EQ 816. All negative items have been removed; credit card debt marked as paid on time. I sincerely recommend PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST to anyone out their who has similar issues with me. You can get them on: OR call them on +1 (585) 466 4373. Let them know Morton Howard, I referred you.
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Posted 1 year ago
Happy I made a good decision, to approach REVOX CREDIT SPECIALIST for my credit repair and management, which today is the best decision to me and my family. REVOX CREDIT SPECIALIST HACKER is the fastest and most reliable hacker I’ve ever done business with and I suggest the hacker to any with same problem. He cleared all negative reports in my profile and increased my score to 795. I was surprised and still smiling the speed he used in completing the job (one week and 5days). He’s dependable. Contact Him via: REVOXCREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
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Posted 1 year ago
So, I was in the process of rebuilding my credit. I was in the upper 500’s and after a lot of research I decided to go ahead and take a chance at contacting PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM even though many people didn’t believe in credit repair companies. I am a living witness that contacting PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST will raise your credit score. I am now at 802, 7 collections have been deleted. Good luck to anyone going down the same road I am. Let them know Janice Bonne referred you.
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Posted 1 year ago
Had a credit union mistakenly apply my payment 2 days later than I should have missing my statement and date. They said they fixed the mistake and I will see this correction on my next statement but the issue is it was reported to the bureaus with wrong amount prior to them correcting this. The amount is over $16k so this is making a huge impact on my credit score/utilization/total balances and ability to get approved for new credit. Well, I fixed my credit and got rid off my debts with the help of PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST whom a trusted friend recommended and he did a perfect job increasing my credit score to (801 TransUnion, 805 Experian, 807 Equifax) all credit card debts are marked as paid, public record, bankruptcy and hard inquiries are all gone. I’m so happy. I refer this great hacker to those who have a fixed date to fix their credit profile. Text PINNACLE ON +1 (585) 466 4373. Tell them Tricia Walton Referred you. You can also reach them on PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Special appreciation goes to Aaron Swartz for repairing my credit report, He removes late payments, bankruptcy, eviction, negative items and increase my FICO credit score to my desired scores. He also pay off my credit card debts, Now I have moved to my own house with my family. Reach him AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES at GMAIL dot COM
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Posted 1 year ago
I came across REVOX CREDIT SPECIALIST on the internet while searching for a credit specialist, about a year ago I had student loans $18,000 and hospital bills about $35,500. Credit card debts and late payments which affected my credit report, and my FICO score was 510, I contacted him via; REVOXCREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM . I told him everything, I was facing and we came to conclusions. I was shocked to receive an email in less than 7days, that all negative items and hospitals bills on my report has been cleared and my credit score was increased to 810, indeed REVOX CREDIT SPECIALIST can to my rescue. You can reach out with the above info for solution.
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Posted 1 year ago
I got my credit score been repaired and fixed by this man who helped me in erasing all the credit deficit and wipe away all the credit debt off my credit report. just get to him via or Text thru 620 254 9182.
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Posted 1 year ago
I have clean report!!! I filed for BK in July 2021, so that is gone. I had several medical collections… and I had one non-medical collection from TSI that I requested removal but didn’t go out. My credit score was lower due to utilization, which I was meant to paid down significantly in the next 3-5 months. Thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who came to my rescue on my credit report. This is the first time probably in my life, y’all! My credit score has been screwed up since I came in contact with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I could actually reach 800’s across board. All medical and non-medical collections have been wiped off. You can reach them via: you can also text on +1 585 466 4373. I learned from folks here. Thank y’all sooooo much!!!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Do you need professional help if you’re trying to fix your bad credit report, I got a quick and fast credit improvement after contacting Hacknet Credit Specialist and he delivered a perfect job for me by removing all my negative items tax liens bankruptcy late payment including the criminal history on my public record and improve my score to excellent 810 only within a short time of using his service. You can as well contact him directly through. (HACKNET567@GMAIL.COM or cell +1 646 450 2754) and be rest assured of a permanent job.
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Posted 1 year ago
CreditEval is rated 4.8 based on 290 reviews