“This company resorts to all kinds of underhanded tricks to fool people and con them out of money. They set up fake profiles, use thousands of bots for messaging and chatting. Also, a few employees are thrown in there for chatting. I’m gonna go back to
which used to work fine for me before the lockdown and it was really the most legit site for hookups and dating. E-hookups is just a daylight robbery. The costs for their fake “service” are exuberant, you are always prompted to pay more, to get more points and you deplete them super quickly when you chat. It’s a shame that all you get for your money is viewing some naughty pictures (stolen from other sites and social media) and chatting with bots.”
“This site is using live moderators to keep you on the chat.
The longer you chat to more you pay ... But there are no real girls out there. .. At least I did not see any... Complete scam.