“BIAE didn't protect me from bad treatment!
I went to a BIAE member for treatment because of the safety assurances they make on their website. Unfortunately, my treatment went so badly that I felt compelled to contact BIAE to let them know.
During my interaction with BIAE it became apparent that the member who treated me was the current BIAE chairperson.
BIAE initially accepted my complaint and made me believe that they would take my concerns seriously. But, after receiving my complaint they told me they have no legal competence to handle it.
After questioning BIAE, I was told that they only exist for their members and do not even accept complaints from the public.
Despite this, BIAE looked into my complaint and concluded that their chairperson did nothing wrong. This was based purely on the chairperson’s account of events. I was never contacted by BIAE to discuss my experience or to get my account.
Furthermore, on multiple occasions BIAE advised me to take my complaint to the chairperson directly. When I did this, I received an abusive and threatening response from the chairperson! BIAE did not see any problem with the chairperson’s unprofessional and rude conduct and continue to support her.
BIAE have been one-sided, biased, unfair and contradictory throughout this whole process.
My experience has proven that assurances made by BIAE are baseless and BIAE do not in fact protect the public from unsafe treatment.
Do not make the mistake I did by exclusively going to a BIAE member as membership alone does not protect you from unsafe and incompetent treatment.”