ETX Capital UK Reviews

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I was in need of a few dollars and I needed it quickly. Credit score isn't by any means good. Credit karma said poor chance of getting a loan. But I had to try anyway since it was only a $5k loan. To my surprise I was approved. I've been trying to raise my credit score also so this was a win in 2 ways. The emergency money paid what needed to be paid, I'm sure tomorrow when I pay the loan off it sure can't hurt my credit, only help it. Thank you (LoanLending at Cash4U dot Com) for being there when I needed help. I will definitely be back if I ever need an emergency loan. 10 stars in my book!!!  
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I was in need of a mortgage and having some issues. I have limited time and my scores are coming down. was at 542, 566, and 569. It's boiling down to my DTI due to my extremely high car payment with 17.99% interest. I came across a review about (fixmycredit at writeme dot com) and wanted to know how it'll work to fix my credit. To cut the long story short, in less than 1 month i worked with them, My scores improved to 781 and finally got approved for the mortgage.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I needed help obtaining my son’s Us Visa and Passport ASAP, a friend recommended an agency for the service. I contacted him and within 2 weeks the Visa was delivered without hassle. I will recommend this agency to friends, family and associates. Reach out to (PassportVisaAgency at Gmail dot Com) for your Travel VISAs process.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
This credit specialist was able to build my scores 250+ points in 3 weeks. Things were removed that I didn't think were even able to be removed. One thing we benefited the most from was learning how the credit building process works, and what steps we needed to take to enrich our lives. f i x m y c r e d i t AT w r i t e m e DOT c o m. Thanks again.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
My Facebook account was hacked by a scammer. My Instagram account was also hacked by the same person and both accounts was been used for a fraudulent activity. He changed the number and email that was linked to both accounts and eventually changed my password so I was completely locked out. I was perplexed until I came in contact with F I X U R W O R R I E S at D O C T O R dot C O M, an account recovery expert. He helped me gain back access and control of my both accounts. He came highly recommended though.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
This credit specialist was able to build my scores 250+ points in 3 weeks. Things were removed that I didn't think were even able to be removed. One thing we benefited the most from was learning how the credit building process works, and what steps we needed to take to enrich our lives. f i x m y c r e d i t AT w r i t e m e DOT c o m. Thanks again.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent, do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks? This includes-Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble. Whatever it is, Credit Score Repair, Taxes, Name it, They will get the job done. They're professional hackers with 10 Years experience. Reach out for help: EfficientNetHack On Gmale.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I just wanted to give feedback for the job well done by Larry ( Aubrey solutions 007) at gmail com who has being able to spy into all the activities of all the applications on my spouse's iPhone including active and deleted conversations,call log history and iCloud storage access without any breakage for weeks now so I know for sure he is the right one for the best results.”
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I had a very bad experience with an unregulated broker and was saved by the timely intervention of a recovery specialist. In 1 week, I got almost 95% of my loss. He is really good at what he does, i have recommended him to friends and co workers who all became satisfied customers. I simply can't thank JimFundsRecovery at Consultant dot Com enough.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
si se ha involucrado en una estafa de criptomonedas o en cualquier estafa. Sepa que no está solo, hay mucha gente en esta misma situación. Fui víctima de una estafa de criptomonedas que me costó mucho dinero. Esto sucedió hace unas semanas, solo hay una solución que es hablar con las personas adecuadas, si no lo haces terminarás muy deprimido. Estaba realmente devastado hasta que me remitieron a un experto en recuperación. En menos de 2 semanas, ya recuperó el 85% de mi pérdida: jimfundsrecovery at consultant dot com. Muy agradecida.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I just recently got married and also accepted into park university. I was trying to get my life together hence 6 years eviction showing on my credit and rental report wouldn’t let no one even rent to me. However, a colleague recommended me to a Credit Specialist so I contacted them. Within 3 weeks they deleted the eviction and raised my scores to 792. I rented the house and gave my new wife and I a good home to live in. f i x m y c r e d i t AT w r i t e m e DOT c o m. Great experience.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I'm a retired veteran and purchasing a home has always been my dream. I usually do not qualify after a credit check so I needed credit repair help. A few weeks ago I ran into a specialist when I was surfing the net for a private contractor that can help. After a couple of weeks I noticed they have already cleared all inquiries including my taxes. What they propose is what I got. I am very happy with my current credit score. plus one, six one nine six three zero nine zero eight five or f i x m y c r e d i t AT w r i t e m e DOT c o m.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I applied for a house and a car loan but was rejected because I had a low credit score of 454 with a couple of negative items, I was really devastated. I ran into an old friend, I explained everything to him and he eventually introduced me to an expert who happens to be a former FICO agent. Within 96hours, he had my credit score raised, wiped out the entire negative items and also added some lines of credit. I promised to get him many referrals if he was able to help me out of the bad situation. So, I’m confidently recommending “Aubrey SoLutions 0 07 AT g mail DOT com” for your credit score & credit report issues, he is a true credit specialist.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I was down in the dumps after my Encounter with this company. I should have known better but their attractive offers made me ignore the red flags. They took a lot from me and i kept falling for their tricks. Some tech expert from +1 (512) 975 2877 pulled a successful chargeback and i recovered my losses back
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Do you need a reliable hacker? or is your spouse cheating on you and you wish to get his or her account hacked, this is the chance you have long been waiting for. as reliance hackers is here to render you all the services. our services include, Facebook hack, whats-app hack, twitter hack, erasing of criminal record, upgrading of your school result, database hack, android phone hack, ATM machines hack, get your blank credit card that can withdraw any amount of your choice and so many other services. visit us today at Aubrey Solutions 007 (@) gmail com and you will feel the reasons that differentiate us from all others hackers.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
ETX wasn't that bad for me but i had a little withdraw problem with them and also with some other brokers who claimed to be best all thanks to www. for coming so fast to help me i'm forever grateful to you guys having a hard time in trading contact them now .
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Hello everybody, I'm bringing to your notice that you can recover your funds from any which way you're been scammed, binary option, credit card fraud, bank transfer funds, etc. I was scammed too from binary option after my investment with the company I find it hard to get my money from the company, they made me believe and I invested a total sum of $48000 and they promise to get me to $100000, after months on this funds withdrawal difficulty I was able to contact (Harrykaz405 @ gmail . com) and they helped me recover my lost funds from the company, I lost all hopes in life but they gave me confidence and I submitted some information and they were able to help me under 78hrs. please guys hurry and contact this team and you will get help. Thank you. Harrykaz405 @ gmail. Com
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
I am 44 years old, had around a handful of consolidation loans throughout the years and I’ve never had one this good! I was approved for a 3% $40k loan and decided on the phone that I wanted to increase it to a $50k loan. No problem! She said no worries, just need to sign the e-docs sent to me at the same 3% rate! The money was in my account in two days and I’m saving about $1k per month in payments due to this. Lastly, I will be debt free in three years versus the 20+ years that credit cards had me in. Thank you! “LoanLending at Cash4U dot Com”
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I applied for a house and a car loan but was rejected because I had a low credit score of 454 with a couple of negative items, I was really devastated. I ran into an old  friend, I explained everything to him and he eventually introduced me to an expert who happens to be a former FICO agent. Within 96hours, he had my credit score raised, wiped out the entire negative items and also added some lines of credit. I promised to get him many referrals if he was able to help me out of the bad situation. So, I’m confidently recommending “fixmycredit AT writeme DOT com” for your credit score & credit report issues, he is a true credit specialist.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I have to be honest i recommend Samurai for Any hacking Jobs to y’all. I found him on a page and I am happy to announce that my request has been fulfilled. His an expert, you can get to him through whats-app +1 804 704 6313.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
ETX Capital UK is rated 4.0 based on 852 reviews