Stay away from them.This platform is a scam, and will stop you from withdrawing and tell you to invest more in order to activate their premium bonus. They tried to steal my $500,500 worth of investments. I almost los-t everything. Luckily I was introduced to KR-CONSULTANT.COM through a friends who is a CIA agent. They were very professional and was able to trace and retrieve back all my deposits within 3 days. KR-CLAIMS is high recommended to anyone that’s been scammed off of their hard earn savings.”
This compаny аnd their pаrtners аre engаged in unfаir business. There аre still chаnces. Hire а good lаwyer. ➜ c h a r g e b a c k . s u p p o r t ⏎ These lawyers will give you a сhanсe to get everything baсk. Good luck with your trаding.👌”
You just mаke them rich аnd you yourself become poor. Find a good lawyer, I advise. ➞ ( moneyback(.)pro ) 🌐 These lawyers will give you a chance to get everything back. good luck and have fun”