“I used to support The Leprosy Mission and purchase many presents for Christmas, but when I discovered that they were supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), I no longer can support them. They say they are a 'Christian' organisation, but the SDG are most certainly not helpful to humanity. They are a global set of goals to depopulate and control the world. They really believe that the US and its SDG are going to end poverty. Wake up. The SDG are a genocidal agenda pushed by the global elite, who don't care about anyone but themselves, power, and money. As sad as it is to see the terrible distress that those with leprosy go through, the ostracization and abandonment from family and friends, I cannot support a 'Christian' organisation who cannot see Satan's agenda of depopulation. 2 Corinthians warns us that Satan appears as an angel of light, as does his ministers. Doesn't mean that it's humanly right. The Holy Word tells us in Isaiah 5:20 to say woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, because if we don't name evil, we allow it and too much 'evil' is allowed today, disguised as good, including the SDG.”
“great selections and offers by email too - lovely to buy gifts with a legacy - thoughtful items and practical - great customer service - quick and effective. Also very good packaging and quality items”