“Be careful with this seller. She lies. She’s FRAUD. She’ll promise to give your money back if purse is not authentic. She will post pictures that she’s at the GUCCI and LV store buying your purse. I purchased a GUCCI Marmont Metalasee and it failed authentication. It’s “counterfeit”. 8 months later, I still don’t get the refund. She said not to post this review and she will just send me a new purse, and this time it will be authentic. I gave her a chance. but she lied again. She send me a fake tracking number. I am so stupid believing in her. Her name was Xiuying and she’s changes her Facebook , Pinterest and IG name every now and then. She uses lvbagholic on IG right now. She Changed her Website as well. It used to be Snobaddict.com and then luxonsale.com , now www.luxbagaholic.com.”
“LV Metis Date Code is DR0157 ,it's authentic one but is made in 2017 ,Fair prices. Switch was brand new as promised and it works perfect. and honest seller”
“This seller is a fraud, she lies and even sends you pictures of the LV shop, meanwhile she sends fake bags then pays people to write a good review on her page, she promised a hundred percent refund if proven fake. I showed her proof and she is been playing games with me”